AMA No fancy title

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ICC Board Member
PlanetCricket Award Winner
Oct 15, 2015
Bengaluru, India
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Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
This is the first thread I am starting which is not related to Cricket in PC. Have given a lot of thought before starting this. So, ask me anything.

And yeah, I might not answer few questions if it's too personal, but don't hold back. And I will definitely reply to all questions but might take some time.

Thank you !
Real name?

Fan of Ganguly since when?

First league and who was the co?

Is there salt in your toothpaste :p
Your reaction when you were offered a spot in the staff?
Ten questions I've asked other people
  1. What are the first three items you can think of from your bucket list?
  2. What is your proudest achievement to date?
  3. What piece of wisdom do you feel you ought to share?
  4. If I listen to one song tomorrow, what song should it be?
  5. You have to pick a cricket team made of players from any era in history. Who is your first pick and why?
  6. Which one person who you've never met would you like to invite to dinner?
  7. If you have participated in any of my leagues, which was your favourite?
  8. What, in your opinion, is the king of biscuits?
  9. If you were to declare your house an independent micronation, what would be on your flag?
  10. If you could turn a non-cricketing country into a cricketing country overnight, which one and why?
Finally :p
  1. zwarrior as a school boy? Naughty much? Academically or physically (Sports) orientated? Or balanced?
  2. Type of cricket player? Still actively playing?
  3. Hobbies?
  4. Favorite food?
  5. Places you've visited in the past year?
Will ask more later :D
Real name?
And... I pass this one. Extremely sorry. Way to start AMA from me !

Fan of Ganguly since when?
Since this match. Come to think of it, ever since I started to watch cricket, I have always had a liking for Ganguly. But the match which I actually remember is the one I have mentioned here.
First league and who was the co?
Technically this. But it was closed before it even took off. So, this from @Field Marshal and no co. I participated alone.
Is there salt in your toothpaste :p
Haha yeah.[DOUBLEPOST=1515257966][/DOUBLEPOST]
Your reaction when you were offered a spot in the staff?
What are the first three items you can think of from your bucket list?
1- Climbing Mt.Everest.
2- Solo travel to Iceland.
3- Skydiving.

What is your proudest achievement to date?
I have won couple of National level competition, but my proudest achievement is winning State level competition because it made my mom cry (happy tears) as it was my first win in a competitive level.

What piece of wisdom do you feel you ought to share?
Life is not fair. Instead of asking 'why me', just be happy with what you have.

If I listen to one song tomorrow, what song should it be?
Great lyrics and video.

You have to pick a cricket team made of players from any era in history. Who is your first pick and why?
Sir Vivian Richards. Have heard so many great stories about him from my dad. And I have read and watched so much about him. He is just fearless and I would use the term 'swag' only for him.

Which one person who you've never met would you like to invite to dinner?
Azim Premji.

If you have participated in any of my leagues, which was your favourite?
For some reason, I have participated in only one of your league: Border Gavaskar Trophy.

What, in your opinion, is the king of biscuits?
Hide and Seek

If you were to declare your house an independent micronation, what would be on your flag?

If you could turn a non-cricketing country into a cricketing country overnight, which one and why?
Russia. It is one of the most powerful country in the world and turning them into a cricketing country might be a huge boost for market and might interest many other countries.
zwarrior as a school boy? Naughty much? Academically or physically (Sports) orientated? Or balanced?
Never was I a naughty guy. So, 0 naughty. Was good academically and decent in outdoor sports but brilliant in indoor sports.

Type of cricket player? Still actively playing?
Started as bowling all-rounder which later transformed to batting all-rounder during my college days as my college team had average batting unit compared to our bowling and I had to concentrate more on my batting skills which developed pretty well.
I used to actively play in college days. It's been around 2 years since I held a cricket bat or a ball on field.

Trekking. Then I write poems, full length novels (have written two but since I started to work haven't been able to concentrate on it) and play games during my college days. After starting job, now it's bingewatching tv series and taking long, very long walks.

Favorite food?
Paneer, Pulao, Pizza, Champakali, many others. Love food ;D

Places you've visited in the past year?
Arunachal Pradesh
Tamil Nadu

These are Indian states which I visited last year during my holidays. Did not name places as the list will be pretty big. And hands down, Arunachal Pradesh is one of the best states in India.
Trekking. Then I write poems, full length novels (have written two but since I started to work haven't been able to concentrate on it) and play games during my college days. After starting job, now it's bingewatching tv series and taking long, very long walks.
Are you in fact me?

When I went travelling 18 months ago, I was generally walking 20 miles a day - rarely even with a destination in mind other than simply to walk. There was one day where I walked out of the hostel at 09:30 and walked back in at 23:30, only really stopping for meals and a couple of trains. That's still one of the best days of my life, but this isn't my AMA so I won't go into details here.

I also try to write novels, but have kept meeting that annoying 70% barrier. Hopefully soon I'll have the right combination of free time and mental health to have another crack.
Are you in fact me?

When I went travelling 18 months ago, I was generally walking 20 miles a day - rarely even with a destination in mind other than simply to walk. There was one day where I walked out of the hostel at 09:30 and walked back in at 23:30, only really stopping for meals and a couple of trains. That's still one of the best days of my life, but this isn't my AMA so I won't go into details here.

I also try to write novels, but have kept meeting that annoying 70% barrier. Hopefully soon I'll have the right combination of free time and mental health to have another crack.
Whoa. I would like to hear more about that walk! (I am heading over to your AMA) That's one thing which I really like to do. I have had similar experience myself, so I can understand how you must have felt that day.

And one thing I can tell about writing is, do not hurry the last 30%. Take all the time you need as it deserves all your attention and free mind. I hope you can complete your novel successfully ! Good luck.
How long did it take you to come up with that rubbish thread title :p
How long did it take you to come up with that rubbish thread title :p
About 3 minutes :D I had something in my mind ( Wynaut- It's a pokemon name and it sounds like why not) but then I saw Freedom using 'why not'. And everyone had already taken the good titles. So, I just came up with this :p
My style of posting in the cricket forums does it annoy you? Now that youre a mod would you randomly delete my posts because they are offensive to you solely?

Why did you apply for a staff postion?

Select three moderators you’ll suggest to Matt for an admin position.

How did you spend Christmas day?

Views on the BJP being heavily influenced by Hindu nationalists.

The crisis in Myanamar why have Indian not voice the condemnation of slaughtering the Rohingya people in Myanamar ? Surely the Indian goverment couldve accepted some refugees?

Any recommendations and opinion on the current management structure of the ICC?

Do you think the IPL will implode in the next decade?
My style of posting in the cricket forums does it annoy you? Now that youre a mod would you randomly delete my posts because they are offensive to you solely?
Some of your postings are good, some of them are bad(when you troll) but I have observed that majority of posts in cricket forum are good ones. Tbh, sometimes you will have both the points in a single post. In that case, I will just ignore your post from replying even for that good part of the post. So, those posts doesn't annoy me.

I will delete the posts only if it either breaks forum rules or if it's off topic.

Why did you apply for a staff postion?
I did not apply.

Select three moderators you’ll suggest to Matt for an admin position.
I am not worthy enough to suggest Matt on these things.

How did you spend Christmas day?
It's just a normal day for me.

Views on the BJP being heavily influenced by Hindu nationalists.
I don't see any problem with that. If you look at recent elections in Gujarat, many reports suggest that lot of Muslims have voted for BJP.

The crisis in Myanamar why have Indian not voice the condemnation of slaughtering the Rohingya people in Myanamar ? Surely the Indian goverment couldve accepted some refugees?
India did voice against Myanamar. India did send an official response to end violence.
40,000 Rohingya people are in India. How many more can we accept? It is a big security threat. Reports suggest that that there is connection in some Rohingya groups to Jihadist organisations. And already around 30,000 of them are in Jammu which is so fragile, adding Rohingya there will worsen the situation. We already have refugees from Bangladesh, Pakistani Hindus and Sikh (not much amount), Afghans, Nepalese, Tibet and Lankan Tamils how much more can we take on ? Adding Rohingyas will mean more resources, more threats and security related issue. Accepting them is not as simple as we think. Lot of factors come into it.

Any recommendations and opinion on the current management structure of the ICC?
I don't have knowledge on ICC structure and internal politics.

Do you think the IPL will implode in the next decade?
It will be affected in the next FTP cycle. I am sure many voices will be raised when it starts and that might lead to downfall of IPL.
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