I owe you the truth

Takes guts to tell the truth. More power to you. I will suggest to you though that you speak with a counsellor. Mental wellness has too much stigma attached in our worlds but awareness is rising and I highly recommend you do regularly take counselling. The good thing is you are willing to talk about this. Take care.
Thank you for taking the time to read.
I am currently speaking with a mental health professional.
Shit man. Whenever you see all these stories about mental health and going through a difficult time, not for a second do you think that somebody you know might be going through that too.

I'm so fukcin' grateful that I get to share a very special bond with you. When I call you Bhai, I genuinely mean it.
Thank you for everything, brother :cheers
I think you're very brave @CerealKiller
My friend suffers with mental health issues, I've seen her at her worst and it wasn't pleasant.
Anyway turn your experience into a positive and learn to swim, providing it's safe to do so with this virus, if you learn to swim then I will make a donation to a mental health charity in your name and my friends name! :)
Thank you for telling this CK. Your story will definitely give hope to others, within PC/outside PC, to overcome the challenges they are facing right now and to gain strength & positivity that everything will turn out fine in the future and to not take any drastic measures, if they wait. Everyone will have difficult phase in life, but it will definitely pass.

There is no need to apologize because what you went through, is definitely beyond our imagination and I am really happy you are here right now with us. It's good that you took professional help and you are feeling better now. I am sure that a kind of weight/burden must be reduced now for you, by sharing this. Always remember that you have friends and family who care a lot about you and are ready to be with you, be it in good phase/bad phase of your life. Stay strong and have a great year ahead.
I think you're very brave @CerealKiller
My friend suffers with mental health issues, I've seen her at her worst and it wasn't pleasant.
Anyway turn your experience into a positive and learn to swim, providing it's safe to do so with this virus, if you learn to swim then I will make a donation to a mental health charity in your name and my friends name! :)
I will definitely do that :)
Thank you for telling this CK. Your story will definitely give hope to others, within PC/outside PC, to overcome the challenges they are facing right now and to gain strength & positivity that everything will turn out fine in the future and to not take any drastic measures, if they wait. Everyone will have difficult phase in life, but it will definitely pass.

There is no need to apologize because what you went through, is definitely beyond our imagination and I am really happy you are here right now with us. It's good that you took professional help and you are feeling better now. I am sure that a kind of weight/burden must be reduced now for you, by sharing this. Always remember that you have friends and family who care a lot about you and are ready to be with you, be it in good phase/bad phase of your life. Stay strong and have a great year ahead.
Thanks, z :cheers
That must have been hard. I cannot imagine what you were going through but I'm glad you surpassed that phase in your life.

Good luck and stay strong. No worries about the whole story, water under the bridge.
I think you're very brave @CerealKiller
My friend suffers with mental health issues, I've seen her at her worst and it wasn't pleasant.
Anyway turn your experience into a positive and learn to swim, providing it's safe to do so with this virus, if you learn to swim then I will make a donation to a mental health charity in your name and my friends name! :)

I'll match this. Proper swimming though. No armbands or nout :lol

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