In signing up to become a member at PlanetCricket you agree to adhere to the rules below.
1. Posts should be made in English
All posts must be made in English to ensure that all content can be effectively moderated and understood by other members.
PlanetCricket strongly encourages all members to make a best effort at posting in clear English, such as not using excessive abbreviations or slang, so your post can be understood by all. Do not try to get your point across by excessive use of capitals, large fonts or different coloured text.
2. Inappropriate Language
Swearing is discouraged on the forum. A swear filter is in place if you attempt to swear and please do not attempt to avoid it.
3. Content
The content you post is your responsibility, you shall not knowingly post false or misleading information and you shall not provoke, support or incite racial, social, sexual, and/or religious discrimination. We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation.
Abuse is not acceptable. Do not target other members or otherwise attempt to provoke a reaction out of them. You will be expected to behave in a responsible manner and be respectful to all other members of the community.
4. Plagiarism
Do not attempt to pass off or claim credit for other peoples' work, or include other people's work in a creation you post as if it is your own. Always obtain permission from the owner of the content prior to posting it.
5. Illegal Activities
PlanetCricket does not allow the discussion of illegal activities, including but not limited to, asking for or posting pirated material or the posting details of how to obtain said material, or encouraging the piracy of cricket games or other material.
6. Posting Standards
You agree to not spam the forums with posts that have no value such as a succession of emoji, blank posts, etc. Posts should be well thought out, relevant to the subject matter and of good quality.
7. Advertising
Commercial advertising of other websites is prohibited without the prior consent of the admin team. In addition any member deemed to be posting only to promote their own content, such as YouTube channels, may have their posts or account removed for repeated offences.
Users may utilise signatures for promoting personal websites or content, however use of Private Conversations, Profile posts, or the mention/user tagging system for promoting content is unacceptable.
8. Accounts
You are allowed one account and only one user may use an account, multiple accounts will be deleted and the user dealt with as deemed appropriate by the staff. Usernames, including changes, must not be offensive or misleading. We reserve the right to take action against any account at any time. Users may request that their account is removed at any time by requesting that through the Contact a Mod forum.
9. Personal Information
Users are to not ask another user to provide sensitive information, such as their location, social media contact information or phone number, either in posts, or in public or private messaging. Users should take due caution when divulging such information voluntarily, and should use the 'Report' function if they are approached by another member seeking such information, which will allow the moderators to see the content and act accordingly.
Users can contact staff through the Contact a Mod forum if they have have made posts that they have shared personal information and would like to ensure all such details are removed, including from other members' posts.
10. Avatars & Signatures
All other policies are applicable to your Avatars and Signatures. Avatars can be up to 40kb in size and 100x100 in dimension. Signatures are split into two categories: Images and Text: images may be up to 90kb and take up a total screen area of 300x100. A reasonable amount of text below the image is also allowed - as judged by the staff. Signatures without an image can be around 6 lines high, however font sizes should not exceed the default.
11. Reactions System
Users are not to message others to get them to Like posts, in download, graphics or story threads. Users can ask users to Like posts if they appreciated the content, but not to suggest that they need to reach a certain number before doing something.
12. Reporting Posts
This system is in place to stream-line how quickly staff deal with problems. Please use the system with respect and do not attempt to deal with problems yourself. Members are strongly discouraged from telling others what to do and acting like moderators.
13. Staff
All members of staff shall be treated with respect and their decisions respected. Contact an administrator if you have a problem with a staff decision, do not post about it in public. Most importantly, we are here to help you enjoy your time at PlanetCricket.
14. Asprin
Member @asprin is never allowed to change their animated old style cricket game avatar. This decision is final.
1. Posts should be made in English
All posts must be made in English to ensure that all content can be effectively moderated and understood by other members.
PlanetCricket strongly encourages all members to make a best effort at posting in clear English, such as not using excessive abbreviations or slang, so your post can be understood by all. Do not try to get your point across by excessive use of capitals, large fonts or different coloured text.
2. Inappropriate Language
Swearing is discouraged on the forum. A swear filter is in place if you attempt to swear and please do not attempt to avoid it.
3. Content
The content you post is your responsibility, you shall not knowingly post false or misleading information and you shall not provoke, support or incite racial, social, sexual, and/or religious discrimination. We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation.
Abuse is not acceptable. Do not target other members or otherwise attempt to provoke a reaction out of them. You will be expected to behave in a responsible manner and be respectful to all other members of the community.
4. Plagiarism
Do not attempt to pass off or claim credit for other peoples' work, or include other people's work in a creation you post as if it is your own. Always obtain permission from the owner of the content prior to posting it.
5. Illegal Activities
PlanetCricket does not allow the discussion of illegal activities, including but not limited to, asking for or posting pirated material or the posting details of how to obtain said material, or encouraging the piracy of cricket games or other material.
6. Posting Standards
You agree to not spam the forums with posts that have no value such as a succession of emoji, blank posts, etc. Posts should be well thought out, relevant to the subject matter and of good quality.
7. Advertising
Commercial advertising of other websites is prohibited without the prior consent of the admin team. In addition any member deemed to be posting only to promote their own content, such as YouTube channels, may have their posts or account removed for repeated offences.
Users may utilise signatures for promoting personal websites or content, however use of Private Conversations, Profile posts, or the mention/user tagging system for promoting content is unacceptable.
8. Accounts
You are allowed one account and only one user may use an account, multiple accounts will be deleted and the user dealt with as deemed appropriate by the staff. Usernames, including changes, must not be offensive or misleading. We reserve the right to take action against any account at any time. Users may request that their account is removed at any time by requesting that through the Contact a Mod forum.
9. Personal Information
Users are to not ask another user to provide sensitive information, such as their location, social media contact information or phone number, either in posts, or in public or private messaging. Users should take due caution when divulging such information voluntarily, and should use the 'Report' function if they are approached by another member seeking such information, which will allow the moderators to see the content and act accordingly.
Users can contact staff through the Contact a Mod forum if they have have made posts that they have shared personal information and would like to ensure all such details are removed, including from other members' posts.
10. Avatars & Signatures
All other policies are applicable to your Avatars and Signatures. Avatars can be up to 40kb in size and 100x100 in dimension. Signatures are split into two categories: Images and Text: images may be up to 90kb and take up a total screen area of 300x100. A reasonable amount of text below the image is also allowed - as judged by the staff. Signatures without an image can be around 6 lines high, however font sizes should not exceed the default.
11. Reactions System
Users are not to message others to get them to Like posts, in download, graphics or story threads. Users can ask users to Like posts if they appreciated the content, but not to suggest that they need to reach a certain number before doing something.
12. Reporting Posts
This system is in place to stream-line how quickly staff deal with problems. Please use the system with respect and do not attempt to deal with problems yourself. Members are strongly discouraged from telling others what to do and acting like moderators.
13. Staff
All members of staff shall be treated with respect and their decisions respected. Contact an administrator if you have a problem with a staff decision, do not post about it in public. Most importantly, we are here to help you enjoy your time at PlanetCricket.
14. Asprin
Member @asprin is never allowed to change their animated old style cricket game avatar. This decision is final.
** Rule#14 becomes void if asprin fails to win "Best Avatar" award for 2 consecutive years
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