Recent content by Chris2020

  1. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    For PC would you need a joystick to play Cricket 2024?
  2. C

    Oli Norwell - Cricket Coach won't be released anytime soon

    Oli posited on Twitter last Thursday "A blog post giving an update on the project is in the works. It might not be what everyone wants to hear, The game won't be released anytime soon. However, I think it will be interesting for people to see how the obstacles presented by 'Classic CC' have...
  3. C

    So, I bought Cricket Captain 2023.

    I'm not surprised. Plenty on the Facebook group and forums are saying its terrible. Cricket Coach is still the best game out there and 2014 was the last update
  4. C

    Cricket Captain 2023

    Chris Child doesn't care really the budget excuse is exactly that an excuse. The game hasn't improved for a number of years. paying £25 for a database update is taking the beewax. Cricket Coach 2014 is still a better game to play and its nearly a decade old. Plus it has an Editor and you can...
  5. C

    Cricket Coach 2014 Now Released!

    Still a better game then ICC 2022.
  6. C

    Beta Testers for New Cricket Simulation

    The Screen looks very 1980s MS Dos mode, Its seems too slow but this seems to have potential
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    Mobile Cricket Simulator!

    Any news on this?
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    Playthrough - England in the 1990s... and beyond

    Enjoying reading this. KUTGW
  9. C

    DigiSims/Cricket Heroes

    Lol. This doesnt even work. Spend $10 on it as well