Recent content by Joey Tribbiani

  1. Joey Tribbiani

    General Chat TPCL 3.0 | General Chat

    Make sure you bid for Joey. Joey... Joey... Joey!!!......
  2. Joey Tribbiani

    Spend your vCash | Earn this.

    I can give all of my vCash to you if you find me my Identical Hand Twin
  3. Joey Tribbiani

    General Chat The PlanetCricket League 2 | General Chat

    Will he kick me out of the Shop because it's for "owners only" like they did here? I just asked if they sold meatball sandwiches. There's not much food on this planet
  4. Joey Tribbiani

    General Chat The PlanetCricket League 2 | General Chat

    Does the shop on here sell meatball sandwiches?