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  1. G

    Tutsi's A.I. Patches

    Im current;y playing with 5.1 and I find the batting perfect. However, the computer batsman just block over and over, and then start slogging until they are caught out. All my dismissals of the computer batters come from catcges and very rarely a cut back onto the stumps. I have played 3 tests...
  2. G

    Tutsi's A.I. Patches

    Barmy's kit update is at You must install this on the original GOB file and then you can install 5.0. The forthcoming update to 5.0 will be able to be installed onto the Gob with 5.0 on it as I understand it.
  3. G

    Tutsi's A.I. Patches

    Hi Tutsi. I am currently using Gob files with both 4.1 and 5.0 My question is if I had a saved game that I started with the 4.1 patch and then resume with the 5.0 patch, which settings are in effect. I noticed when I did this that the camera default was the 5.0 camera. Does the gameplay also...
  4. G

    Does anyone know how to...

    Change the speed of the bowling cursor? I still find bowling too easy even with the patches. Iwas wondering if prakash's config edit can do this. Thanks
  5. G

    Tutsi's A.I Patch Version 4.0 : Complete Edition

    Cool thaNKS. I was only asking because after I installed 4.1 I used Prakash's Config editor to tweak it maily because like the original version I find bowling to easy and batting too hard. So I guess I will just have to make those same adjustments again. By the way. Thanks for the patch. I...
  6. G

    Tutsi's A.I Patch Version 4.0 : Complete Edition

    when your new patch comes out will we just be able to add it to the current gob file or will we have to use a fresh gob with the kit update installed on it that hasn't been patched with 4.1. Thanks.
  7. G

    Tutsi's A.I Patch Version 4.0 : Complete Edition

    I find now, when I hit a good square drive, it is a line drive as opposed to going on the ground like it used to. Anyone else noticed this?
  8. G

    Tutsi's A.I Patch Version 4.0 : Complete Edition

    Thanks for the patch. I was wondering if the new AI effects are only on the Hard difficulty setting or are the other levels tweaked as well. Thanks.
  9. G

    Using a patch with Config Editor

    If I have been using the config editor program to alter my Gob file, can I still apply a patch or do I have to replace the altered file with the original. Thanks
  10. G

    Problem with config editor

    One other question. How do you chnge the pacing of the computer. Basically, I just want the Comp to be more aggresive when batting in ODI's. Thanks
  11. G

    Problem with config editor

    thanks. Im not the most literate with patches.
  12. G

    Problem with config editor

    When I try to start the config editor and it asks where my Gob file is, I tell it(i have triple checked), but it always says Gob not found with an error message. Any clues would be appreciated. Thanks