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  1. K

    ICC 2006 online server

    it works fine now, it just seems a bit temperamental at this stage - i.e. sometimes it works, other times it doesn't.
  2. K

    ICC 2006 online server

    ok cool, thanks guys. is a relief.
  3. K

    ICC 2006 online server

    is it working though? I've had no problems before and even in the ICC2001 days it used to go down sometimes. I've not heard of anyone playing any online games yet, either
  4. K

    ICC 2006 online server

    is it online and able to use now? I have paid for the full version and it isn't connecting for some reason.
  5. K

    Reverse swing and turn

    Basically I want to know how to get the ball to reverse swing when I go around the wicket with a fast bowler. I want to pitch it up around off or middle and have the ball turn back in toward the batsmen. I've tried numerous conditions numerous times to no avail, so does anyone have any idea how...