Search results

  1. Yash.

    FTP | International cricket in 2001

    Pretty slow inning from Ankara Messi there. Could have batted much better in the circumstances. Bowlers did fine in my opinion. We'll go same, with just Damian Aguilar not bowling.
  2. Yash.

    England Team Discussion

    At least he’ll look good while scoring those 30 odd runs
  3. Yash.

    FTP | International cricket in 2001

    :bro: :ar: Damian Aguilar :bro: :bat: Hernando Aguero :bro: :bat: Ankara Messi :c: :bro: :bat: Augusto Cabrera :bro: :ar: Antonio Ramirez :bro: :ar: Richie Moyano :bro: :wkb: Renato Montenegro :bro: :ar: Javiero Cardozo :bro: :bwl: Fabio Gonzalez :bro: :bwl: Angelito Vásquez :bro: :bwl: Milagro...
  4. Yash.

    FTP | International cricket in 2001

    I'll post in a moment. Sorry for the delay.
  5. Yash.

    Draft: ODI World Cup draft II | 20 teams, 48 matches, 240 WC greats, and the winner is...

    Reminds me of a certain bowling performance by a bloke named Andy Bichel.