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  1. W

    Fmod Bank Tools

    #include "pch.h" #include "FSBExtract.h" using namespace std; void WriteWAVHeader ( FILE* file, unsigned int sampleRate, short bitsPerChannel, short numChannels, unsigned int dataLen ); int WaveCount(char* fsb); extern "C" NATIVEDLL_API char* __cdecl ExtractWav(char* fsb...
  2. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    Are you sure you don't have any other texture mods, because I'm not having any issues?
  3. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    When replacing textures, you should have them the same format as the original dds format. Other wise you will get these sort's of problems.
  4. W

    Fmod Bank Tools

    Ok no probs.Fixed a silly bug, that the program was complaining about that there wasn't any .bank files.
  5. W

    Fmod Bank Tools

    It extracts the .bank sound file to waves. You'll find them in the sound folder, when you extract the blobset.
  6. W

    Fmod Bank Tools

    How to use: First place bank files into the bank folder you want to extract. Once extracted, you will find the wav files in the wav folder and another folder with the same name as the bank file. To rebuild the bank files, you will need to replace the wav files with your own and if you want you...
  7. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    Try the "all_boundary_Indexes.txt" for the other stadiums and rename it to your txpk file.
  8. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    You do have the latest blobset creator, don't you?
  9. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    Just create a txpk as normal with one headerIndex number in the headerIndex.txt. Then copy the txpk to the blobset creator folder "DBC17Mods/txpk/" with your headerIndex.txt, which has multiple index numbers in it and rename it to your *.txpk file. Example: DBC17Mods/txpk/boundary.txpk...
  10. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    I'm still working on other things atm, but when I get the chance I'll look into it.
  11. W

    DBC17 TXPK Creator

    DBC17 TXPK Creator has been updated to - * Just added some improvements.
  12. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    DBC17 Blobset Creator updated to * If you add a .txt file with the same name as the .txpk file in the "DBC17Mods/txpk" folder, it will apply that .txpk file to all the headerIndex's placed in the .txt file. Example: DBC17Mods/txpk/boundary.txpk DBC17Mods/txpk/boundary.txt You can use...
  13. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    I have already posted the reason 4 post back. There is like 50 or so boundary rope txpk, that you would need to try.
  14. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    DBC17 Blobset Creator updated to * Doesn't matter if you delete something from the mod folder now, the game wont crash. The program restall's the blobset original header before creating the blobset file. * Implemented the new update system. And that's with all my programs now.
  15. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    Yeah still working on it, been busy with other things atm.
  16. W

    DBC17 Blobset Tools

    There seems to be allot of listing for boundary textures in the TXPK_Info.txt, for some reason. You might need to go through them and try each one. fields\aus\ fields\aus\ fields\aus\ fields\fieldonly\ fields\sponsors\
  17. W

    DBC17 Academy Save Editor

    using System; using System.Data; using System.IO; using PackageIO; using System.Reflection; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace DBC17_Academy_Save_Editor { class ReadSave { public static void ReadTeamData(string file, DataGridView Teams_dataGridView...
  18. W

    DBC17 Career Save Editor

    Do players get injured in career mode, haven't encountered any yet? Trying to find contract data and work out how competition data works.
  19. W

    DBC17 Career Save Editor

    DBC17 Career Save DBC17 Career Save Editor Source Code If you have problems compiling, copy (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll) and (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.xml) files to this location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference...