I am so tempted to change the thread title to "Cricket Academy and the Ross Breakdown"
another poor attempt to light up the atmosphere.hold your horses everyone!
^ Don't think you quite get the point when I first started this thread for DBC 14 and asked Ross if its alright for him, He was okay as it was all the guess work and speculation and we were all having fun. I have been constantly repeating whenever I reveled something to take everything with a...
It was tounge in cheek comment. Of course I am not authorized to tell you your ways of doing things and I know that. I do apologise if you think I was being rude before but it wasn't my intention. I thought you knew it was all in good intention in breaking down the files and showing interesting...
You need to understand the difference between suggestions and demands. Most people here are trying to make the game better. Obviously they don't have any right to tell BA what to do but at best they can suggest them something which is the reason why so many BA's people actively look out on this...
Yeah, it could. I do think they serve a purpose as they act as base towards future iterations.
Thanks for your valuable opinion. I always appreciate when you pop up in the middle and contribute to the discussion. Seriously, you need to take chill pill and stop acting like every post here is...
It does harm me to reveal your hidden information though. :p Anyways, still the variables that are exclusive to rugby games such as referee, goals and extra time shouldn't be present in cricket game files. Sorry, but I like to see and write the code neat and clean unless of course they serve...
Possibly. I have found many interesting variables but I can't post any since I don't wanna ignite any false speculation. This file is a mixture of other game and this game variables. I will now only post information that are only exclusive to cricket such as Umpires, Pitch Type etc. Dont expect...
You are playing impressive game, timing every shot perfectly. But then you hear an announcement over the stadium saying "Your match has been compromised and you have been banned from playing in this stadium for 3 months due to excessive usage of helicopter shot" That's when you know evil MattW...
The faces are looking superb. Especially the Kane Williamson one. I am just waiting for the hair and beard texture update to make these come to life. All in all, BA has done very neat work on the upgraded graphic engine. Hopefully, we'll see improved textures in next few updates.
^ That confirms it. There is going to be helicopter shot and most likely some new shot animations too. They have just not unlocked yet till they have refined it. Anyways, I should start now my CA file breakdowns again to explore more of hidden stuff.
Started digging into files after quite a some time, turns out the latest update has some interesting variables.
Car Park
Garden Bed
Lighting Small
Lighting Medium
Lighting Large
Hello Everyone! I have updated the index with my updated apps on Google Play. I have now made the themes from scratch and it now includes various customizations and some of them even includes Live Animations. If you do like these, please support me by leaving a review on Google Play!
I am sorry but I am still uncertain about happened next, are the people of Bourke Street happy because of that walk or lack of it thereof?
If the former, I would be frankly disappointed if someone didn't said "Shame. Shame. Shame. *ding* *ding*" at least once.
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