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  1. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 General Discussion

    Do you mean that it's fixed.......or the bug is still working? I assume you meant fixed.
  2. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    Well I am sorry. I really did know about that back then. I decided to see how to record videos and now, I know how to share clips. I will try to send videos from now on. But until then, I guess my screenshots could be of a bit of help. Edit: Also, Yeah. I don't think the new patches do anything...
  3. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    I would love to. In Fact, I wanted to somehow upload GIF's of those actions for my review, but I simply did not know and thus just uploaded screenshots. I am not that much of an expert in making videos :/ I tried my best to upload screenshots of whatever possible though. Like those...
  4. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    Could Be, Could be not ;) I will explain why I mentioned those changes here then: 1. Fast Bowlers consuming less stamina. Why did I say this? Try putting a series of fast balls. And Notice how his stamina drains. Previously, it would reduce almost half of his stamina. But now it's not. 2. The...
  5. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 General Discussion

    For me, Legend AI has ALWAYS been like that. Before the Patch too. So I use Veteran AI for Batting and Legend AI for bowling. but by the looks of things it seems the patch made things worse. I will play some matches [mostly T20 and Hundred] and tell how it is later.
  6. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    Yes. Since yorkers themselves are really difficult to execute in real life, I think in game, after pressing Square/X, if you get "Perfect Jump and Perfect Release" only, you will be able to execute a perfect yorker. Mess it up, and it results in a full toss. [They could even add option like...
  7. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    ONE thing that almost ALL of us want from these Patches: GAMEPLAY IMPROVEMENTS. And as I said in my review, these are the main things almost all of us want: BOWLING: 1. Keeper must try to dive when the bowler bowls balls like short balls to prevent a 4. 2. "PERFECT" Yorkers should be hard to...
  8. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    Oh nice. A new patch. Well, I was playing the game when the patch was released and I did not even notice it. I hope they REALLY made Noticeable and good improvements this time. Edit: The Licensed Teams save now when you add new players! I added Gayle to WI and then the next time I opened the...
  9. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    Sometimes broken things or glitches could actually be fun. Like the Drinks Bag being inside the rope lol
  10. Sonic_2021

    Gameplay Sliders/Modifiers Discussion

    Um.....I Don't think that could be possible with just one slider. You need different ones regarding the pitch you play. But I must say that BAS did improve a bit on the physics part since the last patch.
  11. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    MY DIFFICULTY: NOTE: 1. Umpiring is Default. 2. If you are facing some problem with AI regarding Batting, try changing it to veteran or Pro. 3. If you are playing on classic controls, change foot placement difficulty to 25 and change the Poor Footwork Edge influence to 64. 4. If you play...
  12. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 General Discussion

    He must have gotten mad due to this server problem. Many others have too. But they should know that maintaining the servers are equally important as well. BUT It's at least not THOSE kind of people who can't even tell which is the legitimate version lol.
  13. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    So.....what will BAS do now? Release another patch which changes the name?
  14. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 General Discussion

    But that doesn't make sense. That would mean that my AI would bat with a bit more precise timing. Well anyway, Thanks but it's OK for me on Veteran now and I am enjoying it :)
  15. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 General Discussion

    That's weird since your setup is easier than mine. This is my settings: AI = Legend (T20) Striker Timing: 75 Wicket Chance: 30 Bowl Quality: 100 Run Rate: 70 AI = Legend (ODI) Striker Timing: 60 Wicket Chance: 50 Bowl Quality: 100 Run Rate: 50 AI = Legend (Tests) Striker Timing: 45 Wicket...
  16. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 General Discussion

    Well, why do I need practice for the AI's weirdness? I have been playing Cricket 19 for 4 months now and never did it hit a six, get out by catches most of the time, always lofts for 4 etc.., on Legend. I don't know. Legend was always weird for me in terms of batting. Tried Veteran a week ago...
  17. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 - Ultimate Edition DLC Released

    LOL That happened to me as well! But I was like "OK. He didn't drop the catch. So let's take it." But in my review, I meant diving to stop boundaries (which it did often, atleast for me). I haven't seen any diving catches though except for one which I posted above.
  18. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 General Discussion

    It's not that legend is challenging or anything. It's indeed the hardest part of AI, But it's batting is kinda weird. It never hits a six, gets out by only runs outs most of the time and plays dots even during the final overs. I tried Veteran for Batting and it was a whole lot better.
  19. Sonic_2021

    Cricket 19 General Discussion

    Hey Thanks a lot. Tried Pro and Veteran. Both are amazing for batting. But I have to say that for Bowling, Legend is best.