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    when it will release in pakistan??

    go to pg 11 and u'll know why everybody's been so quiet.
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    when it will release in pakistan??

    first of all i'd like to add to nickcarter's thread that "rona band karo saaray". there is absolutely no chance of any pc game(let alone BLIC) coming to Pakistan as long as all the factories in Karachi that were raided by the govt due to the anti-piracy policy remain closed. and nobody knows...
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    Help Needed Desparately!!

    i dont think the prob is related with ur specs. insert ur CD and check whether u have a CRACK folder? the installation process will be given in there
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    Attention: RonanUK & Skateboarder2!!!!!!!!!!!

    what the hell is that supposed to mean? u westerners think u're so much better than us. just because i cant buy original games doesnt mean i've got no morals. why dont u just shut up about "we dont support piracy" dialogue as if ur some kind of superhero on a quest for justice and im the bad...
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    Batting timing query

    this might be a little off topic but could somebody please tell me about all the controls for batting and bowling, especially the "power hit" button, for the PC version. P.S. i dont have the manual of this game.
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    Attention: RonanUK & Skateboarder2!!!!!!!!!!!

    i've just got one thing to say to u b4 u go around calling people fools. Come to Pakistan and show me one place where u can find an original copy of any game. and if u somehow manage to find such a place, do tell me about it!!!!!!!! And i don't have a credit card if thats what ur gonna say...
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    Can't figure out the controls??????

    its a pirated copy so there is no manual!!!!!!!!!
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    Can't figure out the controls??????

    well i've got the game on PC but the prob is that i don't know which is the "power hit" button. the only buttons that i am sure of r as follows: D: to start a run A: to turn back Shift: 6-hit S: to hit a shot PLEASE HELP ME WITH THE REST OF THE CONTROLS COZ I REALLY WANNA PLAY THIS...
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    When will it releasing in Pakistan?

    r there any Lahoris out there who might know whether any of the 2 games is available here?????????