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  1. H

    Cricket Coach - Bugs thread

    Just bought this. I haven't played it a great deal but these are a couple of bugs I've noticed... - 10-wicket matches don't update in the player stats - A bowler who bowls the penultimate over before stumps also has to bowl the opening over the next day - This may be intentional, but why...
  2. H

    BLIC Team Information Editor

    Looking good so far (and I'm able to view and edit Xbox data, which makes it more useful for me than the other editor), but some problems I've seen... - Anytime I select a player the bowling accuracy changes. If I click on Harmison three times his accuracy changes from "High" to "Medium" to...
  3. H

    Witchking's TEST match kits

    The flags are messed up in the top left corner of the pause menu. How do you replace the helmets? If it requires doing some graphical editing I'll probably just stick with the old ones and hope somebody is able to work out how to fix the problem. The kits look outstanding, witchking.
  4. H

    Witchking's TEST match kits

    When I tried these on Xbox the actual kits show up great but the helmets and team flags are badly messed up.
  5. H

    TV Graphics Editing - Including Sky, C4, nine, ESPN STAR, and Ten Sports

    Looking fantastic, but is there any chance of increasing the amount of characters displayed for the player names from five to, say, ten? "Rudolph" would look so much better than "Rudol".