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  1. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Why aren't you guys playing the game? You've all be creaming your pants over the hype for the past six months yet you're still on this forum policing posts with your C in GCSE English. I joined this forum today because I wanted to warn people what the game was like. People have a right to know...
  2. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Thanks for getting involved captain grammar. The game sucks and everyone knows I'm right. I paid ?50 for this and I have every right to share my thoughts.
  3. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Take your glasses off 'loss'
  4. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Right so take off your rose tinted glasses and listen to what is really poor about this game. Firstly, unlike International Cricket 2010, (IC10) you can't play two players on one side. I actually have friends and we like to have a batsman and bowler each and have to catch each other's chances...