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  1. A

    Outfield very boring

    Well, as i cud see in the screenshots posted, the outfield is in two shades but when i play the game, i get a single colored outfield(which i find boring). How to change that? I posted this query earlier but didnt got a response. What i got was that "turn the pitch detail on". How to do that...
  2. A

    wud my pc be gud enuff

    hi all.gr8 forums. i currently hv intel 845glad mobo n its not gud enuff to play cric 2004, battlefield1942 smoothly though it claims to hv capability of sharing upto 48mb. so i've planned to buy a new mobo n video driver. my new specs wud be PIV 1.7ghz, intel 865GBF mobo, ati radeon 9600...