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  1. B

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Great Patch but few questions Firstly, I must say I play cricket at a pretty good level and am very impressed with V4, but have the following questions: 1. When i lose my second last wicket, the game shuts down and goes back to windows. Why? 2. The Pakistani team has white players in...
  2. B

    Tuttsi V4

    What bats go with the roster in Tutssi v4 Ai patch?
  3. B

    !!! A Must Download For Everybody !!!

    hELP pLEASE Hi guys, I have just updated my cricket game. Thanks to all who put the effort in. However my bowling circle has become this huge purple circle. How do I make it go back to the original size so i can bowl more accuratelt. Thanks