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  1. M

    TAOC - Commentary Names

    I would like Gomes please
  2. M

    In-Game Bat Manufacturer Text

    thanks a lot 4 the tip Drewska
  3. M

    In-Game Bat Manufacturer Text

    thanks Barmy Army and Hondeyho u guys r legends
  4. M

    In-Game Bat Manufacturer Text

    Does any1 know whether it is posible 2 change the name of the bat manufacturer. So that 4 example if i put a woodworm in it doesn't say newberry in the create player kit bag? PLEASE HELP!
  5. M

    AUTO PLAY for PC ?

    Autoplay in BLIC When i first played BLIC/RPIC I felt disapointed that there was no Autoplay as i was used to autoplaying in test matches on Cricket 2005. However after playing BLIC/RPIC for a while i have got used to playing out tests instead of autoplaying and i now enjoy that and would not...