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  1. B


    Hi guys im new here and have done a quick search for what im after but no luck, my question to you all is do you bowl to the pitch conditions? does it work? for example on the last day of 4 dayers my spinner usually cleans up because of the sharp turn, i tend to pitch it middle line. Do you guys...
  2. B


    Yeh sorry thought that was just me thanks for fixin em
  3. B


    Ok fellas i got it done i took your advice its all done heres some screens and if you think it could be better ro wateva let me know and if not ill send a download link
  4. B


    Ok, thanks how do i change the colour of the writing?
  5. B


    Hey this is my 1st attempt at fox sports (pay tv broadcast in aussy) and the writings all well it explains it self anyone no how to improve it??[/IMG]
  6. B

