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  1. Alexei.

    Alphabet (Programming)

  2. Alexei.

    Alphabet (Programming)

  3. Alexei.

    Random Thoughts

  4. Alexei.

    Last Movie You Watched

    I have watched all of em
  5. Alexei.

    Last Movie You Watched

  6. Alexei.

    Random Thoughts

    18th day at home :3. Missin the old days :')
  7. Alexei.

    Alphabet (Programming)

    How dare you? :p
  8. Alexei.

    AMA Alexei.

    1. No, less maybe 1-2 hours a day, that too cuz of online tests :p 2. No, I don't go out that much. Just play cricket/badminton in the backyard :p 3. Nope!
  9. Alexei.


  10. Alexei.

    TV Series General Discussion

    Yup! watched it when it came out. It was a good one. Next part is coming as well, but its a different story.
  11. Alexei.

    Random Thoughts

    If you guys want it to be, Sure :p I have a test of all what this means, on Saturday. :|
  12. Alexei.

    Random Thoughts

    I am mammalian amniotic tetrapodal triploblastic eucoelomate vertebrate cranial chordate. :p
  13. Alexei.

    Alphabet (Programming)

    Z-shaped scar :p
  14. Alexei.

    Alphabet (Programming)

  15. Alexei.

    True Or False!

    If you have seen the series :p
  16. Alexei.

    Last Movie You Watched

  17. Alexei.

    AMA Alexei.

    Oh, right
  18. Alexei.


    MOT (Theory)