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  1. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    @swisscheese no i didnt that also. sorry forgot to tell you
  2. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    @inertSpark this looks amazing. boom boom bubble gum also if you can
  3. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    Missed the PTCL logo in above rar
  4. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    Dude. Wasnt able to make boom boom gum and power motorcycles logo. They're too complicated, will take way too much time to simplify.
  5. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    I've simplified the PTV logo. Cant do more detailed than this.will do rest in the morning
  6. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    All Logos done. But need someone to upload them
  7. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    Which local logos are you talking about? can you provide me the images or just the brand names?
  8. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    @thetruespiderman493 any logos left?
  9. J

    Pakistan Cricket HQ

    @thetruespiderman493 just found out theres a Pakistan thread. or else I would've helped in making logos long ago
  10. J

    Casper, Fissionmailed and Friedlele7 DBC 17 Creations - SA KIT UPDATED 26/5/2017

    @Llewelynf has the ipl teams updated? Waiting for them eagerly to start the career mode.
  11. J

    maddawg1136's Stadiums

    We already dont get any international cricket here. I thought atleast we can get it in a game.
  12. J

    maddawg1136's Stadiums

    Hey buddy, are you planning to do any Pakistani stadium?
  13. J

    The PlanetCricket Don Bradman 17 'Which teams to download' thread

    Check the first post of this thread. Markkk is constantly updating teams ready to download from best users
  14. J

    The PlanetCricket Don Bradman 17 'Which teams to download' thread

    Q. Once the players duplicating problem is fixed, will we have download the teams again?
  15. J

    The PlanetCricket Don Bradman 17 'Which teams to download' thread

    Are you guys planning to link the bats once you're all done with the teams and stuff?
  16. J

    Created Players, Logos, Uniforms and Stadiums

    Q. Once we start the career mode, will we be able to update the players, teams and stuff? will the changes take effect in already started career mode?
  17. J

    Created Players, Logos, Uniforms and Stadiums

    Hello guys. New to this forum, just wanted to thank all of the guys working so hard to make the game exciting for us. Thanks alot! Waiting desperately to get my hands on the game and have a go at y'all creations.