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  1. B

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    Lets hope your team get the chance to bring the brilliance of DBC17 to the next iteration of an afl game!
  2. B

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    that sounds like a perfectly probable situation to create with a randomised chance multiplier via code
  3. B

    Steam update for DBC17 released

    excellent work BA on this patch! Question, are there any improvements/animations planned for the stadium crowd? Swaying trees? Etc. I'm guessing its a big job but I think the effect to the realism and atmosphere would be immense ☺
  4. B

    Patch #4 release update!

    I have read through this post topic the last few days and thought I would put my two cents in ☺ I think alot of the negative posts by members are quite harsh, taking aim at BA and the 'broken' game, and are not constructive. I think alot of the negative comments need to be put into perspective...
  5. B

    Patch 4 Wishlist and Suggestions

    First post on the forums :) I haven't made the jump from DBC14 to DBC17 yet, only have the Steam demo at this point. But i watch youtube videos and daily read this site and look forward to what patch 4 can bring. One I thought of recently is some animation improvements to the stadium and...