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  1. G

    Bug Report Discussion

    Please don't see my comment as a blind criticism. What I said is "not properly tested". As much as I like the game I have bumped into a lot of unpolished edges. I do not want to shine a bad light on the devs but these should have ironed out in the testing phase or in the aforementioned patches...
  2. G

    Bug Reporting Thread - PS4/Xbox One

    Platform: PS4 Game Version:v1.05 Game Mode: Playing with two controllers Bug description (detail): 1) when setting up the match the primary user cannot select the match type and ground, but secondary user can. 2) resuming a saved match, both on the same team - (static camera) the secondary...
  3. G

    Bug Reporting Thread - PS4/Xbox One

    Platform: PS4 Game Version:v1.05 Game Mode: All Bug description (detail): Over getting reduced. Constantly my matches getting cut short when I am batting first. When playing ODI I only gets 40 overs. When playing T20i I only get 16 overs. This bug is there consistently. Even when playing tours...