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  1. D

    shot selection and face editor

    hi there, is it possible to get all the faces like in cric 2002.if so when is the face editor likely to be released. is there a patch to modify the shots placed.for example the shot on the leg side while advancing down the pitch is awful.can it be made a bit more elegant? is there a patch...
  2. D


    hi there, my sys specs are 128 rd ram ,p4,1.5 mhz with 32 mb riva tnt2 agp card.i keep gettin this problem where the fielders disapear and the game hangs.does anyone know whats to be done. when is the face editor likely to be released.
  3. D

    crash after crash after crash

    hi there, thats a problem i am facing too.trie all the configs.dosent seem to work.if u know what has to be done the plz plz let me know. my system specs are p4,1.5 mhz,128 rd ram ,32 mb riva tnt2 graphics card.
  4. D


    hi , i am hardly able to swing the ball like the cpu .what are the values that i have to enter in config editor to do so. what are the values that i have to enter to make the scoring rate look realistic for myself and the cpu bcoz as of now both of us score at over 20 and i would...
  5. D


    hi there, i seems to have this problem where after playing a shot the fielder while retrieving the ball disappers and the game hangs.all the players except batsmen disappear.has anyone experienced the same problem and if so plz suggest some patch for it.i also am unable to install the aus face...