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  1. S

    ICC 2010 - Wish List

    Agreed. There are less ODI's in the game than in real life. Another thing that could be changed for the future.
  2. S

    ICC 2010 - Wish List

    I completely agree with you and I've stated this a number of times. There needs to be more control of batsmen. I find that very lacking at the moment. There should also be something along the lines of instructing batsmen to look for singles etc. or aim for boundaries.
  3. S

    How are you going in Ashes Cricket 2009?

    I got it. I thank thee! :) Game looks good. What difficulty do you guys find optimal? I found Easy way too easy, but I'm struggling somewhat on Medium. Then again, I haven't played much.
  4. S

    How are you going in Ashes Cricket 2009?

    Excuse me for the noobness, but how do you SAVE a game? Or enter the menu during a match for that matter? I'm talking about the PC version of the game.
  5. S

    ICC 2010 - Wish List

    There needs to be more depth to the gameplay, especially with regards to batting. It becomes very repetitive when all you can do with the batting is set the aggression bar. Why can't there be something like instructing your batsman to take more singles or play certain shots against certain...
  6. S

    International Cricket Captain 2009

    There needs to be more tactical depth, especially with regards to batting. I don't think that's too much to ask for, is it?
  7. S

    Cricket Captain World Cup

    They've had this feature since ICC2005 I believe.