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  1. T

    Patch Advise

    I just wanted to get a little help with al the different versions of patches around i am a bit confused. IS it possible to install sam fix exe and then one of the AI patches or will one cancel out the other. Thanks for the help TJ
  2. T

    crash after crash after crash

    does anyone have an tips on how to set the game up to be more stable i have tried again and again but it keeps hanging. It happens as a shot has been played into the outfield and then everything goes very slow and all fielders disappear apart from the one who will pick up the ball and then he...
  3. T

    Bug reporting

    Just got the game and yep can see just about all the bugs mentioned I was wondering though does anyone know if these bugs are reported back to EA in any fashion, I am a devote of the CM fotty manager series and its clear that due to the close relationship between the game fans and the authors...
  4. T

    Newbie Question

    yeah ok, but i would still like to know are the patches accumalative or do you need to get v3 v5 and v6 in order to get all the changes ? Thanks TJ
  5. T

    Newbie Question

    Good Day Guys, I am just about to get my hands on cricket 2004 and was delighted to come across your site, congrats on having such a community. I have not played many cricket games but heard good things about this one so thought i would give it a go. I do have one questions relating to...