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    C09 HELP: Having trouble running the game? Read here first

    hey guys ive got a problem running ashes cricket 2009 i start the application up ( everything is already installed) and nothing happens when i click it again it says it is already running but i cant see it at all. When i ctrl alt del and check task manager in the processes i can see it there...
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    Strung Along?

    Anyone feel every one wait for the game has been totally played for a fool? Yes well done they can release a few pics and a trailer big deal oh and update the website but after god knows how many years we are still here ........still disapointed......looking like a mug. Thats for that :D...
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    2008?? or 2009?

    which seems more realistic? You guy getting the game out in the next month to reach your 2008 date of release or 2009 and missing the date of release Would be nice to know of a date as the game looks stunning and i would love to play it!
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    Exclusive Cricket Revolution Trailer Release

    faraz mate do we have a date for the game what were nexr to a month away from the end of 2008 and you did say released in 08? Game looks stunning thought!