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  1. R

    Requests Accepted arjind's AC09 IPL: NEO Sports Pause menu preview

    yeah would be great to get proper kits for KKR :) also can anyone help me. i tried to import the new kits and ever since i've done that whenever the game loads it just freezes after the intro on a blackscreen. i can't figure out what to do! anyone have any ideas?
  2. R

    Requests Accepted arjind's AC09 IPL: NEO Sports Pause menu preview

    this is so awesome, so glad i got it working and thanks for all the hard work in making this. just a pity theres no way to make a custom tournament structure so we could play out a full IPL season :( maybe in the future, they really need to make a cricket game based on IPL or just for t20 to...
  3. R

    Requests Accepted arjind's AC09 IPL: NEO Sports Pause menu preview

    oh no im so shattered :( i just spent the past few hours importing all the files and then did everything else, im sure i did everything properly and i didn't miss importing any file, i then moved the user.dat file to the mygames folder and i get into the game and it looks like its working. i go...
  4. R

    Requests Accepted arjind's AC09 IPL: NEO Sports Pause menu preview

    ty very much for your help :) rayuki added 4 Minutes and 27 Seconds later... sounds awesome can't wait! any chance of incorporating the new mongoose bat as a texture?
  5. R

    Requests Accepted arjind's AC09 IPL: NEO Sports Pause menu preview

    ok so i still dont see a confirmation can you post a screenshot of what it looks like? also what do i do with the and the english.csv files?
  6. R

    Requests Accepted arjind's AC09 IPL: NEO Sports Pause menu preview

    so when i import a file it doesn't come up with a confirmation with the big editor but once i click on file import and then select the txt pack file its done and i can move onto the next file correct?
  7. R

    Requests Accepted arjind's AC09 IPL: NEO Sports Pause menu preview

    im quite happy to do it if it is indeed going to be worth it, does it include a proper tournament structure like in the IPL or is it at this stage just rosters and kits etc?
  8. R

    Requests Accepted arjind's AC09 IPL: NEO Sports Pause menu preview

    so let me get this straight, there are 207 textpack files, and i have to use the big editor and click on file, import, for all 207 of these individually? you have to be joking right?
  9. R

    Requests Accepted AC09 Requests thread

    when where there be an IPL mod for ashes cricket 2009? hi all im just wondering i've had ashes cricket for a while now and been coming here for ages and have downloaded a few things but i am eargerly awaiting an IPL mod that allows us to play the IPL tournament but nothing has turned up yet...