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  1. D

    Minor Bug

    I have noticed in test matches after an innings has finished instead of having the final batsman left as not out it shows him as being out, ie 11 wickets taken instead of 10. Just wondering if anyone could make a patch for this. Thanks.
  2. D

    Cfg Editor

    I think this is a great patch. I feel I have now managed to get a perfect balance for NORMAL mode test matches. I have made it so there is more ball movement on most pitch types and a fair number of edges. I have tweaked all the batting strokes to make certain shots easier but others harder, e.g...
  3. D

    England Player Faces

    I have downloaded someone's patch which has all the real England player faces, where do I have to put the bmp files to get them to show in the game? Thanks.
  4. D

    C2004 - Opinions?

    When I first started the game I wasn't too sure what I thought, it didn't look all that different from C2002. Now I've had the game for a few days I can say I really like it. Lots of competitions, players and stadiums and plenty of realism in the game. I also like the tweaked control systems for...