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  1. N

    Pradi's/Prakastic Downloads - Afterlong time... ???

    Upload somewhere else (if possible at PC) like hotfile,megaupload or uploading etc.
  2. N

    Pradi's/Prakastic Downloads - Afterlong time... ???

    Can u upload here at PC. I cant download from rapidshare.
  3. N

    Pradi's/Prakastic Downloads - Afterlong time... ???

    Its sunday and nearly 1:30 am so release them now. Just joking brother, have a gud sleep and release them in the morning if possible.
  4. N

    AC09 file formats

    Any progress on the texture importer.
  5. N

    How will people of Pakitan buy the Game???

    That means it also not yet available in india.
  6. N

    On how many pc's i can install it.

    Actually their should be a limit of 2 atleast and one thing is you cant compare a game with a car. A game is not a physical thing or tangible.
  7. N

    Controller Support / 360 degree controls

    Na, they are original. I got them from the second hand market. And then went to a gaming shop to confirm whether they are original or not.
  8. N

    Controller Support / 360 degree controls

    Hurray............just got 2 xbox controllers for just 100 INR. and modified them work with pc. They both worked like a charm in AC09
  9. N

    Download the Cricket Revolution Demo!

    I agree with highlander999(tom)
  10. N

    Unhandled exception-help

    Ac 09 player editor was working fine yesterday. Just today it gave a error on start as unhandled exception. Please help
  11. N

    Game not starting.

    Clean the registry with a good software such as REGISTRY WINNER OR REGISTRY BOOSTER 2010. And try a fresh install. Btw why did you installed it again as you said in first line of your post.
  12. N

    AC09 Sound Importer Beta

    Abbh anything can u do so the patch can be installed on downloaded version. I find it macabre that gameplanet versions cannot be patched.
  13. N

    AC09 Sound Importer Beta

    Thanks alot abbh ......waiting eagerly for your texture importer.
  14. N

    AC09 file formats

    I knew that it was just a slapstick , if it was for offence i would surely had made you my caddie. Afterall i also know some golf. Lol. Just kidding and trying to be a booby , although i am not.
  15. N

    AC09 file formats

    Ok ok, i was just asking.
  16. N

    Bowling Cursor

    I still cant bat for much time, coz of the hard conditions for batting, cant think what i will do when the cursor is invisible.
  17. N

    Bowling Cursor

    Nope its not possible. Play it with the latest patch in hard mode. I am sure you will face difficulties.
  18. N

    AC09 file formats

    Can any one give me a download link for the software that Abbh is big file editor...smthing like that. I have already googled it and found nothing.
  19. N

    ashes cricket 09 bats

    Yes if you can help him than answer him. Otherwise dont try to be a fool and wipe your ugly ass like lazy chezzynutty. I hope google had wiped his ass.
  20. N

    Controller Support / 360 degree controls

    If its possible to make a gamepad fix patch than its great.