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  1. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    try setting fast bowling visual speed to 50-60 higher values break the game.
  2. C

    Sliders and best pitch conditions/ for realistic fast bowling dismissals

    First of all set fast bowling visual speed to 55-60 and spin bowling visual speed to 45.Other values will lead to more inside edges.Reduce spin bowling flight and bounce to 40 and 45 respectively.Change shot power to 47.You should get more classical dismissals also set miss shot ability...
  3. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    My Major Gripes with Cricket 24 are 1.Stamina and confidence system is broken 2.Weather System Broken 3.Replay system are broken i mean who shows cover drive from legside camera. 4.Spin is still overpowered 5.Batsman dont play and miss as much which breaks immersion ,It used to happen much...
  4. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    How can the developers be so dumb to not fix stamina which was working in cricket 19.simple things like weather and stamina drain can lead to great gameplay.
  5. C

    Cricket 24 - Bug Reports

    why the hell stamina is not working properly how can developers miss basics
  6. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    Bugant atleast get the basics like stamina and confidence working.
  7. C

    Cricket 24 Tips & Tricks.

    1.You Can Turn Ofield Sounds and Commentary both to 50 in audio settings to improve crowd noises in game 2.You Can Change for muted colour palette for Length Markers for better visual and challenge in accessibility settings. 3.Camera Selection Affect Gameplay.For Bowling its best to utilize...
  8. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    Bugant current bunch of amateur developers are known to break things with patches they themselves don't know what they are doing.So I am not surprised if they improved game unknowingly.
  9. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    Truth is unless there is another developer who enters cricket gaming race BA will not improve they don't need to .
  10. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    Zero means no boost over preset power value.Ball bounce and ball fiction also affect how fast ball travels on outfield
  11. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    After Another Runout fest in cricket 24 ,I went back to cricket 19 and umpires allowed play with slight drizzle on a green track and i enjoyed the atmosphere and variety of edges some barely carrying .I even got a catch to mid on in one of matches.The animations in cricket 19 are so smooth.The...
  12. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    You can change any ability stats it will not matter unless you remove perks. Perks are basically stats extenders.
  13. C

    Cricket 24 Sliders .

    This Thread We will try to solve mystery of sliders .Please Share your finding. 1.Miss Input Influence -Increasing it makes timing more influential than players ability in determining if batsman will miss the ball.It is corelated to Miss Ability influence. 2.Early Shot Timing window-...
  14. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    Try ball quality at zero it makes ai bowl better to left-handers.
  15. C

    Batting Timming Windows And effect on AI

    Yes batting sliders do affect ai.increasing late timing window makes ai play spin better
  16. C

    Batting Timming Windows And effect on AI

    I have been tweaking early shot and late shot windows increasing to 30 and reducing timing window to 95.It seems to make batsman play spin better .
  17. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    If you want more play and misses at any difficulty just adjust miss input Influence and miss skill influence to 50,50
  18. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    Try default then change.
  19. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    Default Models by big ant look like stick models in Cricket 24.May be Community needs to create better models in the editor.
  20. C

    Cricket 24 - General Discussion

    The player models are better than current stick models of cricket 24.Cricket 19 players had variety. 1698141816 I also like the minimal UI.