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  1. S

    Looking for a specific Test matches serie...

    My mistake then...
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    Looking for a specific Test matches serie...

    Well, I was wondering if anyone had recorded them...
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    Looking for a specific Test matches serie...

    Hi, First, I'm not sure if I can post this on the forum, so, moderators, close this topic if it is not appropriate. Secondly, I'm a looking for the three Test matches (On DVD) that opposed Australia and South Africa in 2006, played in Australia. I'm wondering if any of you have them, and...
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    2006 Roster Pack

    MadMick96, do you know if your England roster is compatible with Hariz's England faces pack ? Thanks in advance...
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    Training net loading screen background

    Well...Thanks for the help barmyarmy, I used BigGui on the file specified by Filemon, but it is impossible to find anything : Everything is coded and nothing is identified. Thanks nonetheless.
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    Training net loading screen background

    Since I never done any data extracting for this game, how I extract the specific image when I find the correct file ? Thanks...
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    Training net loading screen background

    Well, is there any way of getting the picture for the game's data ?
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    Training net loading screen background

    I was wondering if anyone was able to get the picture in background of the loading screen when you select a nets training. You know the one with three nets where England players (Wearing old white shirt) are batting. I tried to take a screenshot, but I got the loading bar in the way...
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    Ultimate Face Patch(es)

    In my own opinion, this face of Pietersen was pretty good : an excellent depiction if you ask me... Moreover, I think that these pictures might help you :
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    Hariz's BLIC downloads !!!

    ICC World XI Hariz, do you think you could update your World XI kit ? Like with dark trouser and marine blue leg protection ? Other than that, everything is perfect ! Thanks a lot !
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    Hariz's BLIC downloads !!!

    England's helmet Any update on these helmets, Hariz ?
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    For those of you waiting for the release of WAIC & AFIC

    When do you plan to release AFIC, holmie ?
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    Andrew Flintoff International Cricket (AFIC)

    Any updates on this great patch Holmie ?
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    Sunglasses on players

    Any updates from anyone ?
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    Sunglasses on players

    I wonder if it is possible to add sunglasses model to the bowlers or the batsmen in this game ? Like Ashley Giles who always wears his Oakley on sunny days. I think that you add a like bit of realism to the game...
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    Andrew Flintoff International Cricket (AFIC)

    Any update on this patch, Holmie ?