Search results

  1. afidi is da man

    is this game any good

    yeah but you just hit it for six all the time i like games that are realistic and are challenging and not games where the cpu get 400 off 50 overs
  2. afidi is da man

    what team do you normally play with?

    i would like to play as pakistan but i havn't got the game
  3. afidi is da man

    is this game any good

    of course i dissagree but u are free to post what ever you want. but i don't think it is good.
  4. afidi is da man

    transparent background bmp files ????

    thats good yaar but how did u edit it
  5. afidi is da man

    Free Cricket 2005 CD for anybody in Canada

    could i have it i am in england hey afridi has got the same pic As me i mean shahid afridi
  6. afidi is da man

    To easy!

    whats this about pirating
  7. afidi is da man

    cricket 2005 to buy

    Hi iam new on this forum could you tell me how to buy cricket 2005 or if i can download it somewhere.
  8. afidi is da man

    transparent background bmp files ????

    how did u get inzi on top it only comes up with vettori, gilchrist or ntini
  9. afidi is da man

    my little review of cricket 2005

    hi can some one help me i do not no where o buy cricket 2005( i am new to this forum)