22 Yards - The Battleground (PC/XBOX 360) - Some Eye Candies in the Thread

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i should be finished tommorow or the next day on my attempt at the duckworth lewis hitterman, add me on msn/yahoo, vinny1876666,or pm me the private forum you were saying about, if u wanna see my code so far :)
Was too much bust shopping for Diwali :p so didnt get time to do any progress with the stadium thing.Will start from tomorrow.

Cheers and KUTGW guys :thumbs
Is this game going to be commercial or something? Like do we have to pay for it?
Well, this game will be free however can't say about the patches like Kits, Bats etc right now. The PC version will be free but not sure about the 360 version at this stage.
Hi guys,

Here are some other render images of the bat model.


  • preview3.jpg
    26.3 KB · Views: 34
  • preview2.jpg
    51.7 KB · Views: 43
  • prespective.jpg
    25.8 KB · Views: 35
this is absolute awesome stuff

das_vicky added 0 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

HItterman --> Any updates on storyline and the rough screens?
HItterman --> Any updates on storyline and the rough screens?
Advanced a bit but still left. Actually, I am not getting time because of Diwali I have go to to many houses.

Thank god that Diwali is over:p

An update which Das forgot, The D/L calculation system is completed and it's very professional and accurate calculation.
Hitterman.. you may as well not bother with an Xbox 360 version if the PC one will be free - otherwise, what would be the incentive to buy it on 360 compared to just downloading it?

If you are going to make it free, make it on PC only, but if you are going to make a price for it, put it on Xbox 360 as well as PC. ;)
place the price for blake only...:getyou

this is the first release of this team and to gain the popularity,they should first make it free and then slowly they should start placing the price on their future releases like v2 or v3...
the main aim for them should be to make their release popular....
@hitterman --> Chill.. diwali is a big festival in India and should be enjoyed fully. From tomorrow, I will starting to code few functional areas (not graphic)..
20% storyline is left. I am happy to annouce that we have one more coder Vinny with us so we have done a lot of work on the base classes.

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