Antialias 4x = Graphics Update! - Can't beleive the diff


thats excellent... i didnt believe that this game can improve in its grfx. but its time now to go for a geforce

What do ya mean "not such a big deal" gangan512?
With nearly 90 per cent of the flickering gone,
" it looks like a pitcure to me"
I was looking at it this morning in non AA mode and it made
me wonder how I ever looked at this game at all.

You sure your cards AA is working oK? GO back to non
AA and have a look. You have probably forgoten how flickery
and jagged it was.

Is your prophet a Nvidia card.? I'm using the Nvidia 23.11 drivers
and I've only got a, 2x 4x and off, or let program set AA,
options. Got no Horizontal, Vertical options.
I just selected 4x and I use the TNT option in SWC , High res
selection in the game of course.
I've got a 1.2Gig Athlon and there is no diff with frame rates.

Thanx for the tip mate, will try that one out.

I'll do some test screens plus some other ODI's.
I'll let ya know here when there up.

I tell ya folks....I could play this game for many many more
years now.....
if only we could "CHARGE DOWN THE F'n PITCH!!!!!"
oh well, maybe I could try HEX editing :)
wow! what an improvement! thanks damp pitch for the tip & the pix. now i must just get my card to do the same! :D
Damp Pitch,

I also have GeForce 2 and Im having problems with the small blocks in the graphic's. I set the setting's as you explained to Jonah on this forum. Still the same problem. Is there any other setting's I should set?

Any help would be grateful, Thank's.
Ok...the Test and some more ODI screens are up.
Well worth the look folks!!!!!!.
Can't think of any other settings. You got the same version
video drivers as me? My desktop is at 800X600.
Win98 original Version.

What do u mean by small blocks?

All I know is....I hit AA 4x....went into SWC and man!!!!
Did it look great.
May be I just fluked it?
4x AA has not got a big deal in improvement.blc is onli 640x480 resolution.AA just add 2 or 4 pixel to the edges . you can see the example of a line with AA and without AA in photoshop.ok i will make a reg patch for 4x AA in BLC
(with Nvidia 23.11 driver"only for nvidia chipset"geforce2 and up )i will make best setting tweak for that blc the frame rates are limited to 25 to 30fps.there is setting called a anisotropy 16tap,this will add more clearty to the game but there are some bug in this mode(onli in blc)i will make 3 types
1.reg patch with no AA
2 with 2x AA
3.with 4x AA(max setting)
IT will be very easy to use


you can download the blc reg patch at
How do I use this patch?
Do I just click on it. Does that put an entry in the registry
does it?. How do I uninstall it.?

I would like to get a bit more info on this patch before I try it.
What it actully does to your system for example.

Damp Pitch,

Thank's mate. All is well, Ive worked it out some how, anyway Im pretty happy now with the graphic's, except some part's have a blur on the screen. Good example is what Lobby put up on screen with those two lines. The right one is smoother, but it's blured. Big improvement though. :)
hi damp

To avoid the blurness,i have a reg patch(4xAA(with 16 tap).reg).you can try that,but there are some texture problem in just click on the files to enable it(give yes).if you want to disable it try other files and noAA.reg.
This is easy to can also try with other games.

Glad you got it happening bomber. I tell ya, after a while, if
ya go back to non AA you'll wonder how you ever played this
game at all :)

I don't get any Blurryness though. If you look at my screenshot's
you won't see any. It's is all nice and sharp...isn't it?

Hey lobby....
That's a great pic ya posted there. Looks like your a bit of
a wiz with the graphics from that.
Ok I'll give your files a try.
Hi I am novice to this. Can damp pitch or someone please tell me exactly what I need to do in order to get the new graphics. I have a GeForce3 Ti500 64mb graphics card so I am sure I can get these new AA effects people are talking about. But even before I get to that which Direct3d option should I be choosing. I pick the option that lists the Riva TNT card since that also used to be made with Nvidia chipset. Is this the right option to choose? Please help as I wish to play the game in the best graphics possible. thanks.
Hi Anand,

Basically, experiment with the Riva TNT and other D3D executables to see which one looks best on your system - you may get a line down the middle of the pitch with the filtered cheat on with one or more of the executables. To get the anti-aliasing, right click on your windows desktop, click on properties, go to settings, click on the advanced button. From here it may vary- what click on the tabs to find stuff like Direct 3D settings and OpenGL settings etc. In the Direct3D settings tab (or possibly in its own or another tab) you will find settings for anti-aliasing - possibly a slider of some sort. It may be on 2x2 as default. The higher the number the better the anti-aliasing, but the slower the game will run. Whack it up all the way and see how the speed is affected. If its too slow for you, then just bring it down one notch at a time.

Hope this helps.
Hey 99, The GForce3 is supposed to have heaps better
AA than the GForce2 ain't it.
Would like to see some screenshot form you if you get it
happening good. That's if you feel like putting some up that is :)

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