Antialias 4x = Graphics Update! - Can't beleive the diff

Damp Pitch

Club Cricketer
Mar 24, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
I've had a GForce2 for over 6 months now, but never thought of using this setting with this game untill the other day when I read
a post here where someone said stick ya graphics card on max
Antialias and things look better.

Looks like a new game!!!! I don't beleive the improvment.
I think I just use to think Antialias wouldn't work on an old
low res game like this. Man it sure works all right :)
hi there
thats a great news
can u post a screen indicating the old one and the new one
it would be help full
great idea! plse post a screenshot so the rest of us can compare the improvement :)
use the capture software provided by ur video card .I got one with Riva TNT 2.or just press PRint Screen while viewing a replay
i have a TNT 2 graphics card..... how do i set it onto max antialas (excuse my spelling). i really want to see this game in it's best graphics possible. thx alot in advance :D
No.. I meant how do I "Post" a screenshot onto this forum.
I know how to make a screenshot.

I don't think a TNT2 has the antialias option. Could be
wrong though.
Sorry damp pitch

there isn't any screenloading in those pages......if u want to post thosee screens here plz send the screens to me by mail.....i will post it [email protected]

ad i saw the source of the html document in that Web page ..........u have given the url as C:***

u see u can't put it from ur PC.....u got to upload it in ur Site...........go to and make an account and then go to File manager and upload those screens.........if not send it to me:D

Edited By siskue on Jan. 29 2002 at 00:21 site sould be working now.
I forgot to select URL Relative to page when adding the
Damp Pitch,
Sure are decent graphics.
I've got a 3D Prophet 4500 64mb graphics card, and although I'm happy with the graphics, the shadows are better on your graphics. I noticed that there is an anti-alias feature on my card.Out of interest, I checked the 'Force 4x (2x2) anti-aliasing' box on the D3D tab, but it just a***d up the graphics on BLC (Players were partly invisisble, game was really slow).
There are other options too; 'Force 2x Horizontal','Force 2x Vertical'and 'application specified anti-aliasing.'
The same goes for the Open GL tab.
Are your options the same?
If so, what box did you check, and what graphics option do you select when loading BLC?
hi DAMP PITCH.........
they look awsome it really is a new i am thinking of getting a Gforce card ...........WOW man i can't belevie my eyes :D ;) :) :P :P
Damp pitch
My workaround for the Melbourne stadium adboards problem is this,
In the downloads section there are 2 for Melbourne stadium. Download the other one and use the tim for the orange adboard from that one. ( Cannot remember the filename off hand) & voila, no more see thru adboard

Damp pitch, please could I request a favour: can you post a number of screenshots, with the relevant card, of a test match, I want to see how the test kits render. Many thanks for your help.
i've been using 4x AA on my geforce2 for long now, not such a big deal. Wanna see a big difference ? try playing stuff like NFS Porsche , Quake 3 , Max Payne on 4x AA - if ur system can handle it that is. :)
see ya.

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