Anyone else sick of people bashing Test cricket after every high scoring draw?


Panel of Selectors
Jun 22, 2006
20/20 is here to stay, but after 120 years maybe Test cricket is too.

I am sick and tired of people bashing Test Cricket after every high scoring draw. So what, Test cricket has draws sometimes, get over it, it's part of the game.

Greg Chappell is an idiot, I am surprised anyone on Cricinfo finds anything he says worth publishing, and I feel stupid for reading it, must be some sort of morbid fascination and the need to find something to become irritated about.

After the Ashes this year "we" loved Test cricket again, because it was a close series which ebbed and flowed, and showed what the game is really about.

Then there was the Australia v South Africa series a year ago, more great Test cricket.

Then Australia thump a pathetic England in an ODI series and suddenly 50 over cricket is dead too, what next? 20/20 cricket dead for being occasionally just as boring and one sided as other cricket?

I am tired of this, the game can and will support all 3 formats, and a balance will be found, and we don't have to introduce any new stupid half thought out rules for that to happen either.

Quote you may hear after a rained out Test in England one day: "Every drop of rain was another nail in the coffin of Test cricket."
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i am sick of people who just opens thread and whines about why "'people' saying Test cricket is dying, its not dying its here to stay" - while being insecure, panicking, worrying inside. and every time they feels that way they just comes here and opens a thread.

great its here to stay! it IS going to stay. its not gonna die if it hasnt over the last 100+ years! younger generation may not like it, some may not like it.. then again every thing has a fan club and a hate club.

and who are these "PEOPLE" who keep saying test is going to die? who says that?? i dont see any body saying that.. its all made up!
can you people just effing STOP opening this TEST v T20 cricket shits! stop panicking! fuzz
The plain facts are that only Australia and England draw crowds to home test matches. I dont ever remember a big crowd in any test in SA, NZ, Pak or SL. How can tests survive in those countries if the pitifull crowds that are showing up continue being the norm?
The plain facts are that only Australia and England draw crowds to home test matches. I dont ever remember a big crowd in any test in SA, NZ, Pak or SL. How can tests survive in those countries if the pitifull crowds that are showing up continue being the norm?

When Australia tour New Zealand this summer I'd be fairly confindent in getting some pretty big crowds tbh.
Well the stands were pretty empty in 2005 when we toured there last, even when Gilly was going nuts in all 3 tests!
I love the India-Australia Test series. Border-Gavaskar series is, according to me, one of the most exciting fixtures in Test cricket. Features 2 equals ready to have a go at each other and players who would give 110% effort for winning the series. :)
Even if all other countries stop playing Test cricket the Ashes will go on.
I highly doubt Test cricket is going to die anyways, enough riveting series these last few years to ensure at least another decade of Test match cricket.
Well the stands were pretty empty in 2005 when we toured there last, even when Gilly was going nuts in all 3 tests!

I remember the Eden Park test being pretty empty, but we don't play test cricket their anymore. We should get very good crowds at Hamilton though.
The plain facts are that only Australia and England draw crowds to home test matches. I dont ever remember a big crowd in any test in SA, NZ, Pak or SL. How can tests survive in those countries if the pitifull crowds that are showing up continue being the norm?

Pakistan had decent crowds when India last toured them, even at venues like Faisalabad. SL draws decent crowds at Galle.

India will draw huge test crowds and we used to have full crowds in test cricket till 2005 when the matches were scheduled at the regular test centers at metros. Kolkata would still draw 50,000+ each day of a test match if a good side tours and so would Mumbai or Chennai or Bangalore. Its a pity that BCCI keep scheduling games to venues Mohali and Ahmedabad which have no test match tradition.

aditya123 added 0 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

I remember the Eden Park test being pretty empty, but we don't play test cricket their anymore. We should get very good crowds at Hamilton though.

The crowds for the India-NZ tests in Hamilton and Wellington were superb, especially on the first day at the Basin Reserve.
I remember the Eden Park test being pretty empty, but we don't play test cricket their anymore. We should get very good crowds at Hamilton though.

The Basin will be packed, I'd presume.
aditya123; said:
Kolkata would still draw 50,000+ each day of a test match

That's where the tragedy lies. The BCCI officials would never give any important match to Kolkata, thanks to the dirty politics between the present ruling body of the BCCI, and CAB's (Cricket Association of Bengal) chief Jagmohan Dalmiya. These two parties are always at dagger's drawn with one another. *sigh*
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