If I understand corectly this is a version that hasnt had the day one patch yet?[DOUBLEPOST=1515841005][/DOUBLEPOST]People are being pretty unkind about it but people these days usually are; they need to wait for the full game before judging me thinks..,
It looks dreadful, I doubt patches can pull that from the abyss. It would need to work miracles.
I havent played any tennis games and its not my sport so bear with me If I ask what you see being wrong?
Pretty much everything. I wouldn't even know where to begin...
plz just wait as a guy said that the guy playing wasn't very good who no
Looks awful based on the footage on twitch. That day one patch better be a miracle worker or this game is going to fail massively unfortunately.

In that twitch stream go forward to the match on "clay", what even is that?! :eek:
Let's face the truth... We could kill for a tennis game.
Let's face the truth... We could kill for a tennis game.

We certainly could, but sadly it won't be this game based on the footage - it looks truly dreadful. It's no surprise that no gameplay footage has been released this CLOSE to the release date (ps. there may be other factors for not releasing, but based on the leak having such a negative impact, you can understand why). Let's wait and see if patches can perform a miracle...
I’ve only seen some part of the gameplay footage.
And apart from some little things, it looks ok to me?
But then again, I’m not a tennis gaming expert .

What do you guys think looks bad?
Ross said on his Twitter that people need to download that patch which I think he might have been talking about the twitch video or something
can the serious faces of tennis expand a little? it's so glib to say "awful", " i don't know where to begin" etc. why not try and be constructive in some manner and describe the problems? because when i read "awful" and no explanation, i discount that opinion as i assume that person doesn't really think it's awful, they're just jumping on the bandwagon or being negative for the sake of it.

so my view, being far from a tennis expert, is the animations look poor and occasionally physically impossible. the ball pace is a little slow. the racket sound is a little plastic.

i've played the mobile game a little, and actually i don't see much difference between the two, bar graphically.

@beechcroft what's your take on it?

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