Are Modern Footballers Overpaid?


Chairman of Selectors
Aug 19, 2005
Leeds, UK
Online Cricket Games Owned
It's a common argument these days and yet again I was leaping to football's defense in a row with me maa before about it. Rather than rant on about why I think they deserve every penny they get, i'm gonna recycle a shoddily written old blog I did a few months ago to get the ball rolling. I've censored it obviously lol.

Mattisfaction's Blog said:
The stick they got for being 'overpayed' completely pisses me off at times you know. Now i'm not denying the fact that there's too much money in football, but to question their right to deserve it is disgusting. Footballers are the world's greatest entertainers; Let's face it, what other form of entertainment gives you the same kind of unrivalled passion, determination, skill, loyalty, drama and controversy as a game of football does? Look at film stars and actors, they are on millions of pounds a year and their wallets put footballers in the shade but do we ever bemoan the fact that they are overpaid? Do we feck, because it's easier to have a go at the sportsmen isn't it? Take Bruce Willis for example, i absolutely adore this man. He gets enough money from doing one film than what i'll ever earn in a lifetime but when was the last time some fat, nobheaded journalist said he was overpayed? Never. Actors work less then footballers do. To be a proffessional footballer you need to be at the physical peak of health anf fitness. You need to mentally fit; Movie stars don't need to cope with a 50,00 seater stadiums full of people hurling abuse at them do they? No. I have more respect for any preoffessional footballer than I do for any other worker in the world. People who don't watch football as closely as I do just don't realise how much these fantastic athletes put into their sport. They don't realise that players like Stevie G and Wayne Rooney can spend months away from their families, they don't realise that they are under so much stress and pressure to do well, they don't realise how physically and mentally draining it is do they?

I don't know what provoked me to rant like this but it's about time we realised that John Terry EARNS his 100k a week. Mikel Arteta has EARNED his fancy house and car and so on and so forth. Football is the greatest form of entertainment in the world, it's the best recreational activity in the world, it's the one language that EVERY country can speak and it unites nations.

Football is not a game, it's THE game. It's the best fecking thing there is.
Too late and too tired to post anything other than YES to your topic title !
I think it's more of a question of what does money do to them?

It turns some of them into pompous, playboy, prima-donnas that paint an ugly image for football.

They're not all like that but that's what fame and money can do to some people.
There's two ways to look at this, relatively speaking, they are overpaid, as should footballers really be earning more than heart surgeons, or other people who are involved in saving people's lives.

However, I dont understand why everyone has a go at the players for this, it's not their fault! Its the clubs and the money that has come into the game that has decided their wages. People shouldnt get on the players backs for it.
It's the fact that no one moans at actors and TV stars that gets on my nerves. They are on far more money than footballers yet footballers work far, far, far harder than an actor does. All the ex-footballers who bemoan the money get on my nerves as well. They wouldn't be bloody moaning about it if they had the same money when they were playing!
Yes and no.

Yes - They earn more than people who genuinely contribute more to the country - Politicians, Doctors etc.

No - They work in an industry in which what they are paid is probably about par in relation to the finances around.
Yes they are overpaid.

Ok, there is a lot of money in football and I suppose it has to go somewhere but ultimately it is the fans who are paying these huge salaries by paying way too much for tickets and way too much to watch the game on TV. It's not the players fault they are overpaid, they are just doing the job that they want to do but I think they get more stick than Actors and the like because of the way they behave. Generally I think Footballers get their money earlier in life when they are less mature, so they lose touch with reality and don't know how to behave whereas I think while there are Actors who behave likewise, the majority of the huge earning Actors are a little older and a little wiser.
The above post sums up the situation properly.

My answer is obviously a yes, although you cant blame the footballers.
No-one deserves £140'000 a week to kick a ball round a field. The money United are set to offer Ronaldo is ludicrous. Sportsmen deserve to be paid well, because they are extremely skilled at what they do, and provide entertainment, but the amount of money that they earn is stupid. Modern footballers are definetly overpaid.
Yeah footballers are overpaid and what makes it funny is that some of them are paid huge sum even though they are either benched or out injured.
not really, 100K a week is 5.2 mill a year? Not really that much, well it is but its no different to what a lot of people in other businesses earn and at least footballers make our lives happier. Well some of us anyway. Obviously Bekchams overpaid though, his contract is stupid considering he's not that good. Not good enough for that contract anyway.
Beckham contract is for the merchandising power he has. His face sells more than his boots.
I'd like to know how much Saha is getting paid at United, probably somewhere around 50k a week, and injured his finger when he picks up his all to heavy pay check. He probably makes about one appearance per 500k he gets from the club.

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