Are'nt we over-estimating Don Bradman cricket-14?

And the back biting continues!

There is a lot good in this game, some stuff that isn't quite there yet, and then a few things that are outright bad.

But over estimating? I'd say no. Mainly because, it is such an important step forward in terms of cricket games, and from now on, if a company wish to create a cricket game, the pitch marker is no longer viable. It will just not be tolerated by too many people. I think it's an important game for cricketing games for the future.
With all due respect to you zombie this is an internet forum and nobody is a "victim" of anything. To get perspective take a look around to see actual issues in real world such as Israel/Palestine and Iraq/Syria/ISIS.

That might be true for Planet Cricket but way off the mark in general. As for perspective, go tell that to parents of teenagers who took their own life because of things that went down on forums.
I dont want to seem like im going off the deep end here because nothing ive seen at Planet cricket has approached anything close to that but as someone who has been quite close to a situation like that, your comment is deeply offensive
A 'grognard' is slang for a wargamer. I'm not a wargamer, I collect Napoleonic swords artefacts.
Some of the insults aimed at me here have been unpleasant but I'm not one to take it lying down.

Heh. It's a word that was borrowed by the wargaming community many years ago to refer to specific types of wargamers, but we borrowed it from Napoleonic military history - it's literally "an affectionate term for the grumblers of the Guard".

I should be clear, I wasn't trying to defend anyone's behaviour, I was just pointing out that it's likely that a similar thing goes on on those sites, too.[DOUBLEPOST=1407621514][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think anyone who needs to see how far cricket games have come (or how far DBC has taken things) should take a little look at this. Not knocking it at all but it is what it is. I had many years of fun playing this from what? 1993? But cricket games didn't really move too far forwards from this for at least 15 years, and some may argue 20. Sure they got prettier but the mechanics and 'the norms' pretty much stayed the same - DBC is a class above.

That music is bringing back memories. Oh My Dog, the MIDI STEEL DRUMS ARE COMING TO GET ME!!!
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Heh. It's a word that was borrowed by the wargaming community many years ago to refer to specific types of wargamers, but we borrowed it from Napoleonic military history - it's literally "an affectionate term for the grumblers of the Guard".

Indeed it was. I have two sabres of Napoleon's Imperial Guard in my collection.
Sure there's gonna be ups and downs but all in all it's going to be the best cricketing simulation you've ever experienced.

I'm being picky here but I think it's the best cricketing GAME I've ever experienced. In terms of a simulation, Cricket Coach and ICC are more realistic. It's apples and oranges though, comparing arcade to management games though.
Well obviously you can't compare DBC to management cricket games, there's a vast difference between them. In terms of simulation, I wouldn't call Cricket Coach a simulator, it only allows you to manage the AI players, nothing more than some calcs whereas in DBC you play like real cricket if you know what I mean and that makes it simulator.
Well obviously you can't compare DBC to management cricket games, there's a vast difference between them. In terms of simulation, I wouldn't call Cricket Coach a simulator, it only allows you to manage the AI players, nothing more than some calcs whereas in DBC you play like real cricket if you know what I mean and that makes it simulator.

Yeah, nah. All computer games are simulators, in the sense that they all model some activity with calculations. I believe Whiteniness' point to be that both of those games simulate realistic cricket results more effectively.

Suggesting this is an arcade game is a bit on the nose, but I think he's trying to say "graphical simulation vs spreadsheet"

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