ARGH! Ati Wont Let Me Download Their Drivers


Chairman of Selectors
Mar 13, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
This is the message i get.

Unauthorized download
We're sorry, but this download request cannot be authorized. As an option, you may visit any of the pages below for information about our services and products:
Download Drivers & Software
Latest drivers and software for ATI graphics products. home
Connect to the latest information.
Customer Care
Access technical support and frequently asked questions.
There could be several reasons why you're seeing this page:
You clicked on a link on a site that is not part of the AMD domain.
You're using a download manager. Download managers usually offer to search for alternative download locations. While this is nice for the user, it's bad for the webmaster because a download which originated on another site could theoretically still be downloaded from this site, without anybody knowing.
Workaround to this restriction: Set up your download manager to send a HTTP referrer, and when you click on a link on the AMD site the download will then be authorized.
Your browser did not send a referrer. This normally happens if you right click on a link and select save-as, or if you copy and paste a link into a new browser window and press Enter. It may also be that your browser is set up to not send any referrer. Left clicking on a link works just fine and has been tested in IE, FireFox, Netscape , Opera and Mozilla.
Some software firewalls (such as Norton Personal Firewall or ZoneAlarm) remove the referrer from HTTP requests which will block any downloads on any site that does a referrer check. Hence such options should always be turned off. In Norton go to the Privacy Settings and disable browser privacy (which doesn't really protect your privacy anyway as your IP address will always be logged regardless of that setting), in ZoneAlarm go to Privacy -> Cookie Control -> Custom and uncheck "remove private header information".
If you use a mozilla based browser (Mozilla, Firefox or Netscape Navigator), referrer sending can also be deactivated (it is activated by default). To change that setting, browse to "about:config", then search for "network.http.sendRefererHeader". If the value is set to 1, referrer sending is enabled, if it is set to 0, it is disabled. To enable it, double click on it, then change the value.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

That old unathorized download message. I have added the ati site to my trusted sites list, and added it to accept cookies and not block any pop ups. I have tried using firefox, doing the same on that and made sure that a referrer is being sent. I have panda titanium 2007 installed, i have tried disabling that before navigating to the page.

Has anyone got an idea's whats wrong?


Problem solved, it still wouldnt let me download, however where it said 'We're sorry, but this download request cannot be authorized. As an option, you may visit any of the pages below for information about our services and products:
Download Drivers & Software' i clicked this link only to be taken back to the same page, only this time it let me download them. Strange but hey, it works.
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