Ashes Cricket 2009 Screenshots

wow barmy thats probably the most intelligent things i have seen on the net, true say:eek:
Yea it is true, it would be hard to get all of those parts of cricket that make it the best game in the world... I do think that there could be a hidden stat that is effected by certain players come to the crease makes it so certain bowlers get fired up... what about when Peter Siddle was bowling +150km/h at the mcg with a packed growd, when in most other games he doesnt get quite that fast. He was pumped bowling infront of a huge Victorian crowd and got the adrenalin pumping. But the no effort in the field would be hard to do... maybe a stat that when a team has been smashed like 2-3 maybe more games in a row then their enthusiam will drop... but im not a programmer so Im not sure if that would work lol
But is that what the majority of the customer base want in Ashes Cricket 09? I doubt it.

Well if thats the case then cricket has probably the most uninformed fanbase of any sport. Just by looking at the amount of stats and things baseball games get, its just ridiculous. Do you mean to say that their fanbase actually demand those things or such avid stat dorks? I doubt it, they just get it because its part of what baseball is. The same way in depth stats are part of what cricket is, probably more so.

Fair enough, the americans are absolutely bonkers about their sport and invest a lot of money in it, but I wont buy it for a second that cricket fans across the world in their majority just like the game for hitting sixes. As someone mentioned previously, I agree theres too much psychology in cricket to bring that across in game - but what Im suggesting is just math. No psychobabble required.

Lastly, I understand your point. This is about the Ashes, but im generating my opinion from the way forward in cricket games and this is the first game in a long time actually. Perhaps it would be more applicable for future games, who knows.
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To clear up the Atari thing they publish Codemaster's games in Australia.
Interesting reading this thread, I know what Tom means about chinks of light and the inevitable disappointment. Developers should get basic things like where the keeper stands correct: I mean they try to get the ground exactly proportioned so we should at least be able to expect fielders in the correct places.
My biggest ray of hope for this game is the developers explicitly saying in the interview that test cricket is no longer just odi cricket in whites, they've got the Ashes license and tried to make a realistic experience. I also agree that stats should be an essential, they're a big part of cricket and seriously they're not that hard to code.
I guess the complexity and layers that make up cricket and make us love it so much are just harder to transfer to a video game. How do you allow for Fidel Edwards to bowl 5mph faster when Jimmy Anderson is facing? How do you make a team have zero enthusiam in the field? How do you program the psychological effect taking certain wickets has?
Playing for swing and bounce shouldn't just be about when you manage to press the button but we're probably asking too much to expect even half the intricacies of cricket to be transferrable to 0s and 1s.

Ever heard of Sims ? Check out the Sims 3 and how they amazingly added specific personality traits into the game. Itz like almost real life. If they can do it, why not these cricket devs ? Im sure if they did make it into game programming, they'll be more than capable to add stuff like that into the game.
I guess the complexity and layers that make up cricket and make us love it so much are just harder to transfer to a video game. How do you allow for Fidel Edwards to bowl 5mph faster when Jimmy Anderson is facing? How do you make a team have zero enthusiam in the field? How do you program the psychological effect taking certain wickets has?
Playing for swing and bounce shouldn't just be about when you manage to press the button but we're probably asking too much to expect even half the intricacies of cricket to be transferrable to 0s and 1s.

:p Finding another human would solve the problem;) And, I guess it's fair to say cricket games are fun for a multiplayer modes only unless, next AC09 changes its fate with any possible improvements:cheers
I disagree entirely; I find it far more satisfying to play a gorgeous cut/hook or drive shot along the ground. If a game came along where you actually had to judge when to leave a ball, when to defend and when to smack it, instead of one where you could try to hit every ball with relatively little risk, then that would be some game.

There is nothing to disagree with in that post. I wasn't saying my preference, of course 90% of the people on this forum would agree that the game you just described would be miles better than the arcade slog fests that have been previous cricket games. It's just the general public are going to buy these games - and there is zero incentive for developers to make improvements.

Put it this way, if FIFA's next game was really acradey with no substance, they'd have a riot on their hands. With cricket, they get away with it because the vocal group are very few. Most people who play cricket games play them for cheap fun - and only cricket lovers like us would find a game with strike rates of 40 entertaining. It's sad but true.
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so,there are going to be just 2 teams in the game.right?
can our patch makers modify the faces?
At least 9 teams. Australia, England, Bangladesh, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka and West Indies. I'm not sure if Zimbabwe will be in.
At least 9 teams. Australia, England, Bangladesh, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka and West Indies. I'm not sure if Zimbabwe will be in.

i would expect 16 in total as in BLIC 07 - it lends itself well to a custom knockout tournament
But the teams other than Aus and Eng are not licensed hence the names will be inaccurate and players likenesses will not be there. We will be able to modify the player names but patchers will do the job of designing accurate faces for other teams.
Well if thats the case then cricket has probably the most uninformed fanbase of any sport. Just by looking at the amount of stats and things baseball games get, its just ridiculous. Do you mean to say that their fanbase actually demand those things or such avid stat dorks? I doubt it, they just get it because its part of what baseball is. The same way in depth stats are part of what cricket is, probably more so.

Fair enough, the americans are absolutely bonkers about their sport and invest a lot of money in it, but I wont buy it for a second that cricket fans across the world in their majority just like the game for hitting sixes. As someone mentioned previously, I agree theres too much psychology in cricket to bring that across in game - but what Im suggesting is just math. No psychobabble required.

Lastly, I understand your point. This is about the Ashes, but im generating my opinion from the way forward in cricket games and this is the first game in a long time actually. Perhaps it would be more applicable for future games, who knows.

I'd love to have more in-depth stats for cricket games, but is it that practical for the developer to invest time and money into something which may only attract an extra few % of sales? If I went up to the average gamer thinking of buying the game, someone new to the series, what would they want?

Decent graphics. Pick up and play. On-line capabilities. Licensed teams/players.

They'd be on the list, would they be that interested to know that Jimmy Anderson has gone the most innings without getting a duck?
Ever heard of Sims ? Check out the Sims 3 and how they amazingly added specific personality traits into the game. Itz like almost real life. If they can do it, why not these cricket devs ? Im sure if they did make it into game programming, they'll be more than capable to add stuff like that into the game.

I'd love to see them combine that somehow but Sims is always going to outsell cricket and thus have a much bigger budget.
I'd love to have more in-depth stats for cricket games, but is it that practical for the developer to invest time and money into something which may only attract an extra few % of sales? If I went up to the average gamer thinking of buying the game, someone new to the series, what would they want?

Decent graphics. Pick up and play. On-line capabilities. Licensed teams/players.

They'd be on the list, would they be that interested to know that Jimmy Anderson has gone the most innings without getting a duck?
The thing is that statistics aren't hard to code at all. Its really piss easy. You just have to collect the data once from the game engine, then it can be manipulated for various graphs according to need seperately.
Yeh, I know how statistics is put into a game, Kshitiz. That wasn't my point. It can be very time consuming, especially with a large array of statistics, like those found in cricket.
Yeh, I know how statistics is put into a game, Kshitiz. That wasn't my point. It can be very time consuming, especially with a large array of statistics, like those found in cricket.
But that was my point, it shouldn't be very time consuming. Moreover some classy looking stats do affect the overall wooness a product has to offer. Like the Hawkeye...

But we're debating a moot point here, something really unconcerned.

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