Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Here's my take on it:

AC13 release in November = DBC14 release in December


AC13 release in December = DBC14 release in November

How does that sound?

Ross suggested Trickstar/505 will announce a late November date... so lets guess at 28th November, which is a couple of days after the (scheduled) end of the first test, and a week before the beginning of the second test. If they hit that date, would you see DBC releasing on 5th dec? No way, it's still essentially "head to head". And any later - you're missing christmas. Can't see it personally... But I really don't want to get into all that again.
doubt they will be able to release in November.
Mid December would be my bet.


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Seeing is believing and trickster/505 have shown us nothing since those buggy screenshots of floating heads and pitches with no crease markings. If they want to release this game, and are anywhere near that, we would have seen something new, something they were proud off! Instead we're still looking at "what paddy shot at". And no suggestion that'll change!!
They postponed it to get a version that was good enough to be released not that was good enough to compete with DB14.

Very true, if they had any intention of competing with DB14 they'd be posting vids/screenies if the new and improved graphics and features. Instead it's.... We got nothing but we're gonna try to take your money anyway.

At least Dick Turpin wore a mask!!!!!
They postponed it to get a version that was good enough to be released not that was good enough to compete with DB14.

Um... "we have all the features of [DBC14] and more" ring any bells? I don't necessarily think they're ignoring the other game. There's a fairly good argument to make that the Ashes' delay is a direct response to the openness and wholesale access to the other product. I think it's also a more solid case to be made that BigAnt have had more of an effect on the 505/Trickstar product rather than vice-versa.
Um... "we have all the features of [DBC14] and more" ring any bells? I don't necessarily think they're ignoring the other game. There's a fairly good argument to make that the Ashes' delay is a direct response to the openness and wholesale access to the other product. I think it's also a more solid case to be made that BigAnt have had more of an effect on the 505/Trickstar product rather than vice-versa.

Think what barmy was trying to say is, ashes team's main focus at that time was to make the playable and get through submission process at any cost, rather than think about competition.

But that doesn't mean dbc14 didn't have any effects on them. No matter what they say, Things like the DRS and maual appeal got included AFTER they found out about these features in dbc14. Both these features were 100% ruled out before.
Um... "we have all the features of [DBC14] and more" ring any bells? I don't necessarily think they're ignoring the other game. There's a fairly good argument to make that the Ashes' delay is a direct response to the openness and wholesale access to the other product. I think it's also a more solid case to be made that BigAnt have had more of an effect on the 505/Trickstar product rather than vice-versa.

Did anyone actually take that seriously? If features were being added rather than basic stuff fixed we would be seeing screens and hearing publicity.
I think there would have been a delay regardless of Big Ant.
Did anyone actually take that seriously? If features were being added rather than basic stuff fixed we would be seeing screens and hearing publicity.
I think there would have been a delay regardless of Big Ant.

This. AC13 team decided to add DRS and more coz it sounded better than "we are so incompetent we couldn't even get the game out during the entire Ashes series."

I mean which sound byte would you prefer? "We are delaying the game coz we want to improve our product" or "we couldn't release the game coz we are not competent enough to organize a pissing contest in a brewery".
Did anyone actually take that seriously?

I was being facetious.

If features were being added rather than basic stuff fixed we would be seeing screens and hearing publicity.

I dunno, they made a little song and dance about stuff being added (like DRS) in this very forum, but then we kept hearing their dirty laundry in terms of bug fixes and whatnot, so little from columns a and be maybe?

I think there would have been a delay regardless of Big Ant.

We'll never really know, but I suspect you're right. I was really just playing devils advocate, I said a case could be made, I didn't say I necessarily agreed with it! That being said, it's more likely any response was induced BY BigAnt rather than the other way around, case in point being Fegans phone-call to CA about the BigAnt product.

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