Ashes Cricket General Discussion

I think the online-elite-group bros started on the wrong foot here.

All they want is a mechanism which allows a person with reflex similar to theirs, to choose footwork. Currently on Legend difficulty, their reflexes aren't fast enough. And on lower difficulties timing window becomes too easy. So, may be another difficulty level suited exactly to their reflex speeds is what they are asking for.

Because, as they have well acknowledged, the game will be very unrealistic if they could play bouncers off front foot and yorkers off back foot. They don't want that to happen.

May I propose, we add a new difficulty level 'online-elite-group-bros-reflex-adjusted', or a better name, if devs can think of one. Then that way Legends difficulty level will still be there in case the online-elite-group bros improve their reflexes and want things to be more difficult.

Fair deal?
I think the online-elite-group bros started on the wrong foot here.

All they want is a mechanism which allows a person with reflex similar to theirs, to choose footwork. Currently on Legend difficulty, their reflexes aren't fast enough. And on lower difficulties timing window becomes too easy. So, may be another difficulty level suited exactly to their reflex speeds is what they are asking for.

Because, as they have well acknowledged, the game will be very unrealistic if they could play bouncers off front foot and yorkers off back foot. They don't want that to happen.

May I propose, we add a new difficulty level 'online-elite-group-bros-reflex-adjusted', or a better name, if devs can think of one. Then that way Legends difficulty level will still be there in case the online-elite-group bros improve their reflexes and want things to be more difficult.

Fair deal?
You're right, I'm extrapolating on your post, they just want to call themselves Legends with none of the hard work. Maybe 'Not Legend' or 'Get Good' difficulty level.
I think the online-elite-group bros started on the wrong foot here.

All they want is a mechanism which allows a person with reflex similar to theirs, to choose footwork. Currently on Legend difficulty, their reflexes aren't fast enough. And on lower difficulties timing window becomes too easy. So, may be another difficulty level suited exactly to their reflex speeds is what they are asking for.

Because, as they have well acknowledged, the game will be very unrealistic if they could play bouncers off front foot and yorkers off back foot. They don't want that to happen.

May I propose, we add a new difficulty level 'online-elite-group-bros-reflex-adjusted', or a better name, if devs can think of one. Then that way Legends difficulty level will still be there in case the online-elite-group bros improve their reflexes and want things to be more difficult.

Fair deal?

You're right, I'm extrapolating on your post, they just want to call themselves Legends with none of the hard work. Maybe 'Not Legend' or 'Get Good' difficulty level.

Lmao.. how many total hours you guys have spent in Dbc14 and Dbc17? and at least a single match in online legend difficulty? stop talking shit about the reflex without playing in that mode online. Not even the real Bradman could adjust his footwork against 157kmph pacers in Online legend mode in this game with the lag and other online factors, without premeditation. got it? so stop being dumb and continue playing the "Amateur" mode offline! Again really no point in wasting time replying to you guys anymore. So have fun, continuing talking shit about the game mode which you haven't even touched in your life! Cya!!
Lmao.. how many total hours you guys have spent in Dbc14 and Dbc17? and at least a single match in online legend difficulty? stop talking shit about the reflex without playing in that mode online. Not even the real Bradman could adjust his footwork against 157kmph pacers in Online legend mode in this game with the lag and other online factors, without premeditation. got it? so stop being dumb and continue playing the "Amateur" mode offline! Again really no point in wasting time replying to you guys anymore. So have fun, continuing talking shit about the game mode which you haven't even touched in your life! Cya!!
I've played on the hardest difficulty settings on 17 and in two overs I didn't hit the ball once. So I reduced them. I can understand that with a lag you'd get from playing online it could increase the difficulty. Am I right in thinking you can't use the gameplay modifiers online? Maybe that would help so that the settings can be reduced to make it easier for you to play and maintain the status as legends. Even the ability to save and share settings so you could create an 'Almost Legends' setting and share it with everyone in your group.

At the moment the argument sounds like a batsman walking into bat, saying to Mitchell Starc 'I'm the best batsman in the world,' then facing a couple of deliveries and asking him to bowl slower.
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Lmao.. how many total hours you guys have spent in Dbc14 and Dbc17? and at least a single match in online legend difficulty? stop talking shit about the reflex without playing in that mode online. Not even the real Bradman could adjust his footwork against 157kmph pacers in Online legend mode in this game with the lag and other online factors, without premeditation. got it? so stop being dumb and continue playing the "Amateur" mode offline! Again really no point in wasting time replying to you guys anymore. So have fun, continuing talking shit about the game mode which you haven't even touched in your life! Cya!!

To be fair, you have to have a very high reflexes to understand online legend difficulty. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of online factors most of the difficulty will go over a typical players' head. There's also the game's difficulty, which is deftly woven into this - the design draws heavily from Don Bradman's own style, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these modes, to realize that they're not just difficult - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike online legend difficulty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the hardship in playing a front foot shot to a short ball, which itself is a cryptic reference to Bradman's epic career I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Don Bradman Cricket 17's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an online legend difficulty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5ms reaction time of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Just to try and clear things up here , please explain how Single Player works.

The way I have it , is that you can select , Legend difficulty , but then move the Length indicators earlier , or is this not so ?

Because thats what I`m proposing for Online , either as a SLider , or an on/off tickbox at match creation.

Same small Timing Window that comes with Legend , but just a fraction of a second earlier notification of a Short Ball.

Pro20 being the main mode played online , we have found that Legend difficulty is the best one that gives representitive scores based on our skills and the Game type (130-190 currently) .

Hence the "Problem" , we sit with , when you drop a level down , all the other shots will fly even quicker to the boundary , just so that you can get the short ball indicator earlier.

Please advise
Who says Ashes Crickets difficulty levels will be the same as DBC? perhaps Veteran will give representative scores this time?
I am not an online player much but for me whenever I did in DBC 17 Veteren seemed to be the best in 2 vs AI. In PVP difficulty only affects timing window because the ball marker (that circle around the ball) would only appear when the bowler was on the point of releasing the ball from his hand. In offline i found legend match difficulty and hard and hard batting and bowling difficulties to bee the sweet spot. It was far from perfect though but could produce some good first class games, all that i ever played in dbc 17 so I can't comment on limited overs.
it just doesn't feel like cricket on legend difficulty. It's like an under 11 team going up against a World XI
Then don't visit the forum around its release date. Also, it was PC players who pirated the game and are deservingly given the punishment they deserve.[DOUBLEPOST=1510719013][/DOUBLEPOST]

You are asking a lot if you think the developer will go back and change the animation.

Well hopefully in future additions it will be addressed. I am satisfied with this game, that's why called it the best ever cricket game.
it just doesn't feel like cricket on legend difficulty. It's like an under 11 team going up against a World XI
SA Online community has had 3 seasons and a world cup on legend difficulty, believe me it gets better, i felt useless beginning of season 1, its great now.... go down to pro and its way way too easy ;)
Ohhhhh....this would have been the coolest wicket ever in a cricket video game (second only to the bat and pad catch video that was posted earlier by @mazd) had it hit the stumps:

Credit: @AnmolJ . The video was taken from one of his Ashes live streams (search Anmol Juneja - Gameplay for his videos)
My reaction on some of the dismissals were XD
to be honest i was yanking your chain mate.

there is no doubting your creation skills, and they would certainly enhance the game. but the links are such a fundamental thing.

i'm all for fresh starts. hoping you get where we are coming from, make sure the links are right and people will be happy to play with the players.

As far as I have seen, @rajsvm has done the best faces for asian teams. But I have never had linking issues cause usually I hand pick my players from the academy. I just import the visual and nothing else.

But a solution for this might be for Rajvsm to create the players's visuals but someone else doing the linking/putting together a team.

The fielders walking in too much is an issue we have discussed at length. BA are working on a fix, turns it is far more complex than just moving the fielders. We had a 6 page discussion on field placements in one day. Most of which was fixed including slip placements. The boundary riders are definitely something all the testers have mentioned and agree they need to be back so the ai can take singles

I have always loved fielding inside the 30 yard circle so much that I always get flak from my captain if I field near the boundary cause I walk in too much! The idea behind fielding at the boundary is for the fielder to stay at the boundary. Maybe the quick tactics menu can help us choose btw having the outfielders a little inside or outside but anyone beyond the 30 yards shouldn't walk in.

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