Attention: RonanUK & Skateboarder2!!!!!!!!!!!

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School Cricketer
Apr 1, 2005
Lahore, Pakistan
Online Cricket Games Owned
i've just got one thing to say to u b4 u go around calling people fools. Come to Pakistan and show me one place where u can find an original copy of any game.
and if u somehow manage to find such a place, do tell me about it!!!!!!!!
And i don't have a credit card if thats what ur gonna say next.

P.S. hey RonanUK if u actually come to Pakistan, please inform me because i'd want to see who the fool is then.
It doesn't matter. If you can't find a legal version, don't buy the game. The fact is, Planet Cricket do not support piracy in any shape or form, and anyone with a pirated copy won't be able to get help for their game like controls.

Even if your reason is legitimate, others without a good reason to buy a legal copy would find an easy place to get controls.
what the hell is that supposed to mean?
u westerners think u're so much better than us. just because i cant buy original games doesnt mean i've got no morals.
why dont u just shut up about "we dont support piracy" dialogue as if ur some kind of superhero on a quest for justice and im the bad guy representing all evil in the world.

Infact i've got an idea about the opinion poll on this site in which u should ask whether people(especially those living outside Europe and Australia) purchase original/pirated copies of cricket games.
SkateBoarder2 said:
It doesn't matter. If you can't find a legal version, don't buy the game. The fact is, Planet Cricket do not support piracy in any shape or form, and anyone with a pirated copy won't be able to get help for their game like controls.

Even if your reason is legitimate, others without a good reason to buy a legal copy would find an easy place to get controls.
My friend has an illegal copy and has no difficulty in figuring out what to do.
You can buy original games by ordering them online. As Skb2 has already said we don't support piracy in any shape or form on this forum. Plus to suggest it is some western bias is ridiculous when two of the four admins are from India as are numerous other staff members.
Topic closed.
It is known that people in some countries find it hard to get the original games but as a whole discussions about piracy of games cannot take place. This isnt a decision by just Planetcricket but is a policy of EA, Codemasters and also organisations that are against pirarcy e.g. FACT. Discussion of piracy on the forums could lead to the forums loseing its hosting or having legal action taken against it to get Planetcricket shut down by Codemasters or EA or whoever.

EA and Codemasters both have distributers in Asia so it should be possible to get the game legally although I understand it could be difficult but it would also be possible to order from the UK or Australia online (without a credit card from places like ebay as well).

If you do have a pirated copy of the game its therefore best not to advertise that you do as techincally you could be traced by anti-piracy people if they so wanted i'm sure.
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