Australia vs Pakistan - ICC CT: Winner

If Australia wins this match they will face England in the semi-final. Pakistan will face once again New Zealand in the semi-final then.

India has a lot of stake in this match.
i would vote for Pak, but looking at ZZ's bet...
Pakistan will lose this just to ensure that India get eliminated.
You can bet your bottom dollar on this happening!

bcvstheworld added 0 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

Pakistan will surely rest their key players for this game.
Misbah will come in for Yousuf and Asif will replace Gul
India fans should have put the money on Australia, at least if Australia win they get the vCash
i would vote for Pak, but looking at ZZ's bet...

During the match I was thinking I lost my money because I bet for Pakistan. But now I see I bet yesterday for Australia.

Some guy, I think, bet 40 million for Pakistan.
I think it's bcvstheworld. Because he said that he bet a lot of money on Pakistan.

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