Australian Youngsters


School Cricketer
Jan 8, 2012
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi, I'm managing Australia on ICC 2010, just wondering if anybody has any good Aussie youngsters to suggest?

I'm struggling to replace the old hats, I've tried Trent Copeland and Luke Feldman, and a 20 yr old batsman called Mitch Marsh but surprisingly they haven't done too well, the only newbies I've introduced who have done well are Phil Hughes, John Hastings, Mark Cosgrove and sort of Matthew Wade and they're all pretty gun players on the game.

Anyone have any names of good young players I can try (particularly bowlers), or should I just persist with the ones I was trying earlier (they're supposed to be good) and give them more time?

Also, anyone know any Australian spinner who isn't abysmal on the game?

Yeah, Hughes, Cosgrove, Wade, Khawaja, Steven Smith. Bowlers - Copeland, Cutting, Feldman, Hastings.

And about spinners, Australia don't really have any good ones on the game so I'd be choosing White to play as a batsman and bowl him a few overs and play 4 quicks or play Hauritz. Never does too badly for me :p

Hauritz is awful for me, even Khawaja and Smith haven't done very well. I was bowling Cameron Boyce as my spinner-but then he strangely disappeared from the game, must be a glitch.

Any other advice (from anyone) is more than welcome too.
but then he strangely disappeared from the game, must be a glitch.

It will probably be that the state side didn't resign him for the new season and I don't think he's that good so he wouldn't receive a CA contract so it would be up to the state side whether they retain him.
I've been playing 2011 most recently, but I did put some time into 2010. I mostly only played as NSW though and by the time I earned the Aus captaincy, pretty much everyone was an all-rounder.
As far as NSW went, Starc and Copeland were awesome. Bollinger's pretty good and 2 or 3 all-rounders were gun, think they might've been regens, but every regen AR was gun. I think it was Starc who had a massive batting average for me too.
Hughes, S Smith and Watson were all superhuman with the bat, Khawaja might've been too.

In 2011 I started as Aus and Cosgrove opens for me in all 3 forms, so he might be good for 2010 too. Ben Rorher is doing well in tests, but don't remember if he was that good in 2010. Feldman and Cutting as Hedger mentioned are alright too.
Is 2011 much different than 2010 cause the update list looks like nothing has changed apart from a db update.
There's a couple of things that I was glad to see updated/fixed, though I haven't put as much time into 2011 yet. One-dayers seemed improved and haven't noticed as many gun all-rounders yet.
One issue I have that still seems to come up is a batsmen scoring a double while bowler(s) make hefty contributions after being 5 or 6 down for nothing. Maybe that's just me somehow.
No Cummins or Pattinson last time I checked either, but they mightn't have a state contract yet or something. But otherwise, yeah nothing much has changed about from the db from what I can tell.


btw, it was Burt Cockley from NSW that was an awesome bowler with a high batting average in 2010.
It will probably be that the state side didn't resign him for the new season and I don't think he's that good so he wouldn't receive a CA contract so it would be up to the state side whether they retain him.

Yeah, maybe that's why, but it's strange 'cos he was playing awesome for me, averaging about 26 with the ball in ODIs.

Some of the other players which other people have mentioned as doing well for them have done pretty shite for me-for example, John Hastings (though outstanding in ODIs) averages 90 with the ball in Tests (only 3 matches though).
Steven Smith averaged over 100 for me with the bat in Tests in his first year and around 35 with the ball, but since then has totally gone downhill and now averages 32 with bat and 38 with ball.
Khawaja has been nothing more than okay in Tests, and Feldman and Copeland haven't really shone.

These differences are interesting, maybe players develop differently in different game saves? (like in Football Manager) Previously I thought that the same players would do well for everyone.

Btw, another decent spinner is Cullen Bailey, was averaging in the high 20s for me in both forms of the game but has since slumped in form.
People seem to have different results, so there's probably some luck factor involved where certain guys have great starts and you stick with them as they slowly come back down, while others have bad starts and you toss them aside before they have a chance to shine like they did for someone else.

As for spinners, I just try to find a young regen and keep him in the squad with technique training until a good opportunity comes up to play him.
On my iPhone, Steven Smith is a beast of a player, I always make sure I sign him as my overseas player if hes available for the full season, or as a T20 player if he isn't.
He is like an Australian Afridi :p
hmm 'only that smith can bat'

are you dum.
afridi avarages around 40 in my 2011 in the first year

ranked 7th in test rankings

anything like that for smith ?

lol :)
I see Travis Birt, Robert Quiney and Andrew McDonald are doing well in their respective leagues.
hmm 'only that smith can bat'

are you dum.
afridi avarages around 40 in my 2011 in the first year

ranked 7th in test rankings

anything like that for smith ?

lol :)

I think he was probably mocking the actual Afridi, not the fictional one in your game.
Sarcasm is hard on the interwebs.

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