Basketball World Championship

will have to watch the usa v greece game tonight,will be funny to see how the greeks respond to the cheesy joke Camelo Anthony made about thier names being so long.
Im tipping the usa just.
im shocked the greeks beating the us! so it will be a greece v spain final on sunday:)
The US took the titles too lightly years ago and now they can't win it back. If they were allowed to pick their best team then the dream team would be back but right now it's fair game.
yes where are the players like iverson,bryant,shaq and nash?such great players
kookaburra69 said:
yes where are the players like iverson,bryant,shaq and nash?such great players
They didn't want to play, AFAIK. They have to think about their oh so expensive contracts with the NBA teams that they belong to. Screw playing for your country.
It's a shocker really. The Basketball champs are basically the 2nd biggest behind Football yet the US don't take it seriously. What's makes it worst is the USA has the best league in the World yet they can't win the World title.
They still take it fairly seriously reason i hear they dont pick the absolute best players anymore as last time they did at the olympics(or wchamps?) their egos were far too big to combine well in the team and they were beaten.

Which is why now they try to pick the best players without the huge egos hoping the team can play as a team and win.
i think thats what they had a problem with as well,camelo anthony just shot the ball as soon as he touched it,and he missed most of the time.
another interesting fact is the average passes per shot from all the games was 4.2,the usa's passes per shot was a very low 2.3.
Spain smashed Greece, and take the championship. Their shooting was very accurate throughout the tournament and deserved it.
Haha! I had a bet with a mate of mine that Spain would go further in the tourney than the USA, and I won! I'm so proud of my boys - hopefully basketball will take-off even more in Spain after this. Fantastic stuff! :D

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