Batting level?


School Cricketer
Jan 6, 2017
Can anyone help me?
Trying to find a batting level that works for me.when i try medium batting lose lots of wickets to edges. Can anyone suggest sliders to change to help a bit?thank you
i have same problem, medium is difficult for me & easy is very easy. need a balance between both.
im on medium batting i find it good - my issue is i can play fast bowlers well but the spinners keep getting me out - any suggestions how to play spinners better?
wow personal preference :) I find HARD too easy, HARDEST impossible ;)... dont even bother with anything less than HARD batting (on default sliders) it is all about foot placement, (if on classic controls) point that left stick to where the ball is going to pitch.
i have same problem, medium is difficult for me & easy is very easy. need a balance between both.

Create a custom difficulty - make a note of the values of Batting Difficulty variables in Easy and Medium. Your new, custom difficulty should have the values in between both. For example: If Shot Power is 80 on Easy and 50 on Medium, you should keep your Shot Power variable as 65. Also, make sure to turn on "Require footwork" and turn off "Override incorrect shots" options.
wow personal preference :) I find HARD too easy, HARDEST impossible ;)... dont even bother with anything less than HARD batting (on default sliders) it is all about foot placement, (if on classic controls) point that left stick to where the ball is going to pitch.
I was exactly the same although I used the standard controls which is a lot easier. Anyway after a bit of trial and error I found going back to medium difficulty for batting and turning off length/line indicator off and pitch marker off and just leaving ball trail on was perfect.. and once I’m too good for medium I’ll still have 2 more higher difficulties to try :)
Its all well and good telling someone to play on hardest but for me.hafdest = edge every single shot.

Medium is a bit hard for me and easy is too easy. Maybe its time to play on standard controls
Create a custom difficulty - make a note of the values of Batting Difficulty variables in Easy and Medium. Your new, custom difficulty should have the values in between both. For example: If Shot Power is 80 on Easy and 50 on Medium, you should keep your Shot Power variable as 65. Also, make sure to turn on "Require footwork" and turn off "Override incorrect shots" options.
Thanks a lot Pat.someone finally understood what i was asking
Create a custom difficulty - make a note of the values of Batting Difficulty variables in Easy and Medium. Your new, custom difficulty should have the values in between both. For example: If Shot Power is 80 on Easy and 50 on Medium, you should keep your Shot Power variable as 65. Also, make sure to turn on "Require footwork" and turn off "Override incorrect shots" options.
thats exactly what i did last night. it works like a charm :)
i have a custom one based on medium settings and just increase the ball marker time up because i bat on broadcast cam - however im still struggling to consistantly hit ideal timing especially on spinners - any advice? i use standard batting controls.
i have a custom one based on medium settings and just increase the ball marker time up because i bat on broadcast cam - however im still struggling to consistantly hit ideal timing especially on spinners - any advice? i use standard batting controls.

In general, you have to play a bit late when batting against spinners. Also, try playing with the ideal/late timing window modifiers to make them little easier.
i have a custom one based on medium settings and just increase the ball marker time up because i bat on broadcast cam - however im still struggling to consistantly hit ideal timing especially on spinners - any advice? i use standard batting controls.

Hit the nets. I bat in Broadcast also, and was struggling with timing shots, so I went into the nets and practiced against all types. (Fast and full, fast and short, off-spin, leg-spin etc...) until I had worked out the slightly different timings for each type of bowler, and each different shot. It's mostly just muscle memory you have to train, as your brain is telling you "PLAY THE SHOT NOW!" which you just need to reset. I mostly played DBC14 up until now, so I found the timings to be quite different to what I was used to, but now I'm quite comfortable.

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