BLC is destroying my sanity!!! - Nothing I do stops it from locking-up


School Cricketer
Oct 5, 2001
Cincinnati, OH
Online Cricket Games Owned
I've spent the last 5 days trying to get BLC to work on my P.C.. I'll bet I've restrarted my computer 40+ times in my attempt to figure out the problem. I was wondering if any one else has computer specs simular to mine and gotten it to work without locking-up about 5-10 minutes into the game. If I don't install the official patch the game will run for 30+ minutes without locking-up, if I only install Cool BLC patch 3 it also locks-up after 5-10 minutes. If anyone can give me some ideas to make it run I would appreciate it. Guess its back to ICC2000 for now, thanks.

My computer specs are below:
AMD athlon 1ghz thunderbird
voodoo3 2000
128 mb ram
soundblaster live
matsh*ta cd-rom cr-588
windows 98
If you need any other info please let me know.
Earlier I too had this problem as i too had voodoo 3 2000 so what i did is installed Directx 8 or 7.And downloaded the latest drivers from

Hope that helps

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