BLIC07 demo Works for US/NTSC XBOX 360


School Cricketer
Feb 27, 2007
Dallas, TX
Online Cricket Games Owned
[This is a repost of my original thread at the codies forum...]

I know a lot of people have been wanting to find out if the game works on the US versions of XBOX 360, but so far we have only heard that NO it doesn't work. Various reasons have been given like PAL/NTSC differences, region locks etc.

In the past, for BLIC 05, similar reasons were given, but the game worked and still works fine on that console. So I wanted to test it out on my US 360 console and confirm/deny the information given to us.

Living in the US, the game is not available on the 360 platform, and neither is the demo which is otherwise available to the users in UK/AUS from Xbox Live Marketplace. So, what I did was create a NEW xbox profile, created a new Windows Live account and gave my address as that of my aunt who lives in London, and after completing all the forms I had a new UK xbox profile.

So in quick anticipation I jumped over to the Xbox marketplace and VOILA, the BLIC07 was the featured download. I hesitated no time in downloading it, and played a game of FIFA 06 while the download continued on my 15MB fiber connection. Mid game I was informed the download was ready, but I resisted the temptation and completed the game (which I beat the xbox on World class ranking )

I went to the games section and launched the 07 demo, half expecting it to crash my console or to show funny garbled stuff on the screen. But imagine my excitement when I saw the splash screen in its full glory and quickly hit the start button to play the game. The game started as perfectly as it could, just like it was in the PC demo and I was not able to spot a difference. The players looked the same, grass, spectators and everything else was just superb.

This I did last night, so I wanted to get the word out as quick as possible for those who want to try it out or bought their xbox 360 consoles in the US in hopes to play BLIC07 - guys don't return it to the store now!

One thing which I obviously couldn't test was the Live play as the demo doesn't have it. Another thing is that I am not sure if there are any locks on the physical DVD which would prevent playing it in the US versions of the console.

I'd like to hear it from Codies themselves if they can confirm the presence or absence of any region-locking stuff on the DVDs which would prevent us from playing.

Hope this helps all the US/CAN guys out there.


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